Chapter 14

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I laid sprawled out on my bed. I hugged my pillow to my chest and listened to the doorbell continuously go off. After I got so annoyed I was murderous, I stormed downstairs to open the door.

"Usually, when someone doesn't answer a door, it means they aren't home or don't wanna answer the door!" I snap at Blake.

"I'm making sure your ok! You just ran off with no explanation." He looked upset, like he was the one who did something wrong.

"It's nothing." I sigh.

"Didn't seem like nothing, c'mon, you can tell me."

"That's just it Blake! I can't tell you!" I say, stressing the can't.

"Why? I can't help you if I don't know why I'm helping you!"

"Who said I wanted your help! Just do us both a favor and leave me alone." I say, slamming the front door shut.

I turned around, leaning my back against the door and slid down it, tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Why am I such a screw up?" I whisper to myself.

I continue to just sit there until I heard a slam of a car door, followed by 3 other slams. I peaked out the door window and saw Greg, Luke, jack, and peter(Cameron from the party I just changed his name so it wasn't as confusing.)

I ignored them and got out art. When I was finished with that, it was almost 11 so I made myself a late dinner. I saw that Greg, Luke, Jack, and Peter were still over at Blake's. After I ate my ramen, I just went to bed.


I got up at 1 the next morning.

I showered and went outside, thinking of going on a run. Blake and Greg were in front of his house, packing the car for what looked like a beach.

"Hey Sam!" Greg said. I just waved.

'Please don't invite me, please don-'

"Do you wanna go to the beach with us?" He asks me. I look at Blake who won't even look at me.

Jack and Luke come out of the house, carrying containers of food, Peter comes out of the garage carrying a volleyball and net.

"Hey! Sam you should come with us!" Jack and Peter shout to me. I mentally groan to myself before I agree, running inside and changing into my black bikini.

I put on my running shorts and a muscle shirt and grab flip flops, suntan oil, my phone, headphones and a towel and head back out.

I stash my stuff in the back and get in, ending up next to Blake.

They turn the radio on, blasting Greg's phone: floats my boat by Aer.

When we get to the beach, it's not as crowded as I thought I would have been.

"Sam! Help us unload!" Greg shouts to me.

"Uh-uh, I didn't bring any of that, you could load it yourself, you can unload it yourself." I laugh, grabbing my stuff, then go to find a spot.

I lay my towel out and take off my shorts and shirt, spraying myself with the oil, then relaxing to music, closing my eyes.

I hear the boys unpacking around me then it gets quiet, I peak my eyes open then feel my phone and headphones be pulled away from me, only to be drenched with water.

"SOMEONE JUST GOT A DEATH SENTENCE!" I squeal, cold water running down my stomach.

"THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR NOT HELPING US UNPACK!" Greg yells at me. I grab a water squirter from by me, and run to the water, filling it with water and spray it at a back, not realizing it was Blake's back.

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