Chapter 18

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I woke up on the living room floor with Blake on the couch, it almost looks like I was either pushed off the couch or I rolled off, I'm guessing I rolled off.

I pushed Blake's shoulder repeatedly until he woke up.

"Whaaaat?" He groaned. I smiled at his morning voice.

"Guess what today is!"


"Um, no, it's Friday..."

"Really? I could have sworn yesterday was Monday..."

"You still haven't guessed what today is!"

"Just tell me! It's too early for me to be using my brain!"

"When do you ever use your brain?"

"Shut up and tell me."

"It's my birthday!" I say in a singsong voice.

"Wait. What?"

"Did you seriously not know today was my birthday?"

"You never exactly told me."

"I could have sworn I did..."

"Well, our birthdays are an exact week apart!"


"What time is it?"

"11. I kinda wanted to wake up and actually do something on my birthday, not sleep through it."

"That's actually smart... Weird... Yours smart in the morning and it's before noon. Have you been possessed by aliens?"

"Yes. And they want to take a hot boy hostage."

"Good thing I'm not hot then."

"What are you talking about? Your definitely hot."

"I'm mega hot. Get it right Sam."

"No, your mega cocky."

"Your so funny." He says sarcastically.

"Thank you, now, did you push me off the couch?"

"I might have, I really don't know..."

"I was thinking I might have rolled off, but I don't really move when I sleep..."

"Yeah I noticed that. I almost thought you were dead because you don't move at all."

"I am dead though, I'm a dead alien back to life."

"C'mon. I need to shower if we are going anywhere today."

"So do I. I CALL THE SHOWER FIRST." We say the last part at the same time.

"I'm older, and it's my birthday, I get it first."

"Or we cou-" I covered his mouth.

"I'm pretty sure I know what you were gonna say and no, everyone but my parents are home right now. Don't need tanner or Trevor getting any ideas."

"Sam." A sneeze. "I think I'm sick." A nasally voice says. I turn to the stairs and see tanner standing at the bottom. "And Seth and Oliver went to go hang out with some girls."

"Those little shits." I whisper.

"Uhm, what's wrong?"

"My throat hurts, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, and I can't breathe through my nose." He says.

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