Chapter 23

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Crying bc last chapter

"Sam. Wake up. We need to get to the airport."

I groaned and rolled over.

"Sam. We let you sleep as long as possible. Please get up." My mom said.

"I'll be down in 5." I say.

I hear her leave and a minute later I drag my body from my bed. I throw my hair up in a messy braid and brush my teeth then drag my bags downstairs.

"How on earth am I supposed to go through the London airport with these giant things?" I ask at the bottom of the stairs.

"Good luck." Seth says.


"Whatever. It's your problem."


I lug my bags to the car, annoyed that no one offered to help.

I was stuck in a car with them for 2 and a half hours. Just great.

I got in the front seat and let all the guys get in the back. Dad wasn't going because he had a surgery today for a patient. Mom got in the drivers seat and we set out. I noticed that the Timmons were following us. I got out my phone and charged it since I hadn't charged it for a few days.

"Are you excited?" My mom asks me. I just look at her like she's crazy.

I put my feet on the dash and look out the window, the beach that's slowly disappearing, that I probably won't see for another 10 months.

I plugged my headphones in to my phone and just listened to music, mad and annoyed at everything, but mostly myself.

I pretty much sentenced myself here, acting out as much as I did back in Cali, then everything that happened this summer, me believing Blake, but now I don't know what to believe, did he really love me, or is he just trying to continue the bet so he gets money. We stop at a rest stop after constant complaining from Trevor.

"Next time don't down an entire Gatorade before we go somewhere." I growl. The Timmons had pulled in next to us and I saw Blake in the front seat. He gave me a small wave but I turned away.

Will I ever grow up? No.

The entire way to the airport I was silent. Bad idea. My summer with Blake kept running through my mind. That I was so clueless and stupid to fall for it, I didn't date guys like him for this reason! I'm such an idiot. I'm done, so fucking done with guys, especially guys like him. I'm not gonna date London guys, that will only turn out badly for me.

We pull into a parking spot and head toward the airport on a small bus. I watched people out the window, a couple walking hand in hand. Stupid idiots, love NEVER lasts. Don't they know that? It didn't last for my parents, why do people think it lasts?

My brothers take my suitcases and we go to get my tickets. My mom pays for them and we get in line, my family and the Timmons family having special permission to go to the gates.

I give the security man my passport and drivers license. Then we continue on to baggage check. When we get past that we walk to the gate, we still have about 20 minutes though. Oliver takes Trevor to the bathroom yet again and I sit, playing on my phone.

"Sam. You really should try talking to him." Bella says sitting down next to me.

"I want to, but what do I even say?"

"Start off with an 'I'm sorry I ignored you, but I still love you.' And maybe he will- I don't know. Just something like that."

"Why should I be the one apologizing? I did nothing, for me to be ignoring him, he deserves it! He fucking played me like it was one of his football games!"

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