Chapter 7

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I wake up the next morning. The light is coming in from the cracks in the curtain. I hear the front door open. I look at the time. Everyone is either still asleep or at work, no one should be leaving or coming in the house.

I sneak downstairs and as I pass my brothers rooms, their doors are open and I realize they all probably have a job except for tanner and Trevor. But Trevor has been at the neighbors everyday all day and he would have come in through the garage, not the front door, no one comes in through the front door.

I quickly scamper to the kitchen. I grab a pot and peak around the corner. I see someone go around the curve in the stairs and I sneak up after them. "Sam? Where are you?" I take a step closer to the person. I get ready to swing. The person turns around and I start to swing. Wait. I know that voice, and that person. He ducks at literally the last second. "The fuck Sam?" "Ohmigod sorry! I thought you were a robber! No one comes in through the front door!" "It's fine. Pot though." He says holding out his hand. I give him a puzzled look. "You know your not allowed to lift things that are mildly heavy. I groan. "Don't remind me."

"C'mon, i brought you food and your pretty little liars DVDs. Your mom asked me to keep you company." "What about Trevor and Ben?" "Tanner is watching them at my house." I nod. We are watching and eating quesadillas again. "Is quesadillas the only thing you can make?" "Yup." "Dork." "Well a dork has a secret." "Oooo! Tell me." "Nah. You insulted me." I sit there, mouth open. "Jerk!" "Fine! Ya'know the story I told you about my uncle loosing his hand..." "It was fake wasn't it?" I ask. He nods, "why'd you lie?" "So you won't have to go longer with a broken hand. The longer you go with it not protected, the longer it will be broken." "Sounds like my heart." I say with a frown. "Sam. Stop thinking about him! He's gone! Past! Never to be seen or heard about again!" "You act like he was lost in the Bermuda Triangle." "Because he was!"

I laugh.

"After he broke your heart he was tied to a ship and it brought him to the Bermuda Triangle and now he will forever be lost there because of what he did to you. Next to set sail," he looks at his wrist, there was no watch there, "is Chelsea at 4:30. So in a minute." I laugh even harder.

I've been told I have a cute laugh, it's not obnoxious, but it's not fake or girly either. "Your laugh is cute." He tells me when I stop laughing. "Oh, um, thanks, and thanks for making me laugh,I haven't laughed in forever." "No prob." "Ok, um, not trying to sound awkward or anything, but can you help me put the plastic bag over my cast?" "Uh." "Know what? Never mind, that's awkward." "No I'll help you!" "Thanks." I went and got the plastic bag and he helped me put it on. I went to go take a shower after he helped me.

Blake's P.O.V.

my phone buzzed. I had a text from cece.

From: the babe😘: hey, um, I don't think this, us, is working anymore, I don't feel the spark we had months ago. I think we should break up.

I've never had a girl break up with me,never,never in my entire life, I've always broken up with the girl... That's just the way I am, I guess you could say I'm scared of commitment, but, I've seen so many couples end and because of commitment issues so I end it before she gets too clingy. I don't do clingy, if a girl has to rely on me for everything or is clingy, I end it. I know what your gonna say, but you don't understand, I have my reasons, namely one girl, I was dared to go out with her and a week later I broke up with her cause she literally hung on me and when I told her we were over, she made a big scene and said 'I thought you loved me! I thought we were forever' and blah blah blah.

Sam comes downstairs in jean shorts and a white crop top that said geek(look in the links) she looked pretty good. The hot pink hair looked good too. The green cast didn't really match though. "Your cast doesn't match." I say with a smirk. "Shut up. Wanna go somewhere? I'm bored to death!" "Wanna go to the beach?" She holds up her cast. "We don't need to go in the water, we can just walk around..." "Alright. If it means getting o- I CANT RIDE MY PENNY BOARD." She said with such dead seriousness. "Sam, it's only for a little over 8 weeks!" "THATS THE ENTIRE SUMMER YOU DIPSHIT!" "Sam! Calm down! It doesn't get cold here so you have the entire year to ride once you get your cast off." She sets her head on my shoulder. I flinch a bit. She doesn't seem to notice.

"I wanna ride now though!" She whines. "I'm sorry Sam! But you can't!" She huffs and pouts out the door. I follow and close the door. She closes the garage and we make our way to the beach. She doesn't talk at all, she continues to pout. "Hey pouty?" "What?" She grumbles. I pick her up over my shoulder. I run down the street and she is laughing. "Hey pouty?" "What?" I can tell she's smiling. I'm on the beach now, I put her down and grab her face. Slowly, I pull her toward me. In seconds we are kissing. It turns into a make out but all of a sudden, she pushes me away.

"This isn't right." "What's not right about this?" I say, still holding her face. "You have a girlfriend." I shake my head no. She wraps her arms around my neck. And soon we are kissing again.

We walk down the beach hand in hand and people give Sam a weird look, probably because of the pink hair, but I didn't care.


Something's gonna happen to them I can feel it... I am kinda just writing as I go.. I'm not sure what's gonna happen...



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