Chapter 9

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Sam's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling like shit. After a night full of crying, and going out in the rain he day before probably didn't help. I hate my life.

I wrap a blanket around me then grabbed stitch and went downstairs. It's Thursday so everyone was working. I come into the kitchen and see Trevor and Ben playing with something. I walk over to see what it was.

A bug making machine thing. I groaned and they jump. I let out a small giggle and smile.

"Your awake!!! Now Blake can go home! He's being a jerk!" Trevor says. "Your just realizing he's a jerk?" He nods. I groan and sit at the counter.

"Morning- or should I say afternoon. It's almost 3." Blake walks in saying. "Shut the fuck up." I say laying my head down on my arms on the counter. "wooooah! Someone's weeks this week." "No I'm just a fucking idiot!" I say into my arms. "What's new?" I sit up with a glare. If looks could kill. Well, he'd be in hell right now. "Did you get high or something?" "No I've been crying for a day! Can't you just leave me alone asshole?"

I storm into the living room and cuddle into the couch. He follows me in. "Are you ok?" He asks with sincerity. I ignore him.

"I'm sorry ok? I didn't know something had happened..." I take a deep breath and tell him what happened. He sits there listening to every word I said. "Well if it makes you feel better, Cece broke up with me too..." I turn to him. "Really?" "Yeah, over text too. I actually thought she might have been different..." I just sit there awkwardly. After a minute or two I ask, "how long were you dating?" "5 months, my longest relationship." "Oh."

I lean back on the arm of the couch. I really don't know what to think.

"Can I please be alone?" I whisper. He gets up and leaves and it's dead silent. I get up and go to my room.

In my room, I go to my closet and find my shorts and crop top.

I head down to the garage and grab my board. I head toward the busier part of this small town and board around trying to clear my head.

I'm not paying attention and I run into someone.

I land on the guy and I recognize Blake. "Isn't this how we met?" "No." I get off him and continue to board. He follows close behind. "Fuck off Blake." I yell behind me to him. "Hey, that's no way to talk to your neighbor!" I skid to a stop and turn around.

"Do you really think I wanted to be your neighbor? I didn't even want to fucking move here and now I'm cursed with a neighbor who won't leave me alone and is stalking me! I just want to go back to Cali!" I shriek.

"Sam!" I hear Blake yell after me. I'm running. I don't know where, I just am. I hit the beach and I see the caves. "I'm not making the mistake of punching the wall this time though." I whisper to myself.

I'm in the cave by myself again. It's dark, cold and quiet. "Sam..." I hear Blake. Fuck.

"How'd you know I was here?" I ask annoyed. "It's where I come to get away from shit..." "Sam. People make mistakes. That's all you did, make a mistake, he doesn't know what he lost." "What would you know about this?!?! Your a fucking player that every girl wants and when you want a girl, you go get her, tell her some lies and she falls for you. Then you get her in bed and drop her the next day! I know your kind! Just leave me alone! You don't mean anything you say!" I scream at him.

"I don't know anything about relationships? I've had way more relationships than you! And I'm not just a player! So know what? I'm done being nice to you! All you do is call me a player for it and I'm done! I'm tired of you judging me for something that's not always true!" He yells back. I go to punch him in the jaw but before my fist can connect with his jaw, he grabs it.

He holds it tight and won't let go. "Let. Go."'I say through gritted teeth. "Go home and stop acting like a bitch." He says angrily. I just stare at him.

I run out of the cave trying to hold back the tears.

Before I started dating brad, I was the bitch of the school, I wasn't trying to be a bitch, Chelsea led me to it.


Fifth grade

I'm swinging on the swings with Chelsea. "Chels! Look at him! He's so cute!" "Dibs!" "What? No! I saw him first!" "So? I called dibs!" I get off the swing and pull her hair. "No! He's mine!" She pulls back and a cat fight breaks out. Everybody gathers around yelling 'fight!'

We are pulled apart by 2 teachers and I was the one suspended for 3 days.

When I get back she started rumors about me like that I was the one who broke her finger, which I guess I did but she led me to it. And also, she got the guy. She got everyone the next year to call me a bitch and a loser and whatever and I snapped. I became defiant of everything and everyone.

My parents had been on my back lately about grades. By the end of 7th grade, I was a badass bitch that everyone feared pretty much. I could throw punches boxers were scared of, my style was ripped jeans, black boots, a leather jacket when it was cooler out, tons of bracelets, my makeup was dark eyeliner with tons of mascara and dark eyeshadow. I was feared. Then brad and I got together at the end of 8th grade. I changed a little for him. I stopped being so much of a brat, I was nicer to some people and made an attempt to care about others instead of being selfish.

I stopped running when I hit home. My board was on the porch. I wiped my eyes noticing right then that I had been crying.

I walk inside and go to my room locking the door.

I turn on pandora and listen to jake miller pretty loud. I don't even care.

"Sam! Turn that down!" My dad yells through the door. I just turn it up. It's all the way up and I'm laying on my bed when I hear a crack.

Blake's broken my door down, my dad and him standing there. "Turn it down." Blake tells me. "What?" I yell over the music. "TURN IT DOWN!" He yells at me. I do and my dad looks furious.

"You know, we were gonna go on a cruise with Blake's family, but, the way you've been acting proves to me your not mature enough. Do you will be staying home for the next 2 weeks." "WHAT?!?!?" I shriek. "The neighbors will keep an eye on you." Blake's smirking.

"Wipe that smirk off your face asshole." I snap at him. My dad looks like he could explode. I don't even care anymore. I just gotta get Blake in trouble to where he's stuck here with me.


Oooooo! She's MAD! Ok I won't delete this this time.... Long story... But yay! Almost to ch 10!!!



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