Chapter 5

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I put in season one of pretty little liars and Blake and I started watching it. I had forgotten bits and pieces so at parts I was like 'oh yeah!'

We continued watching until we noticed it was 4 in the morning. We saw Ben and Trevor asleep on the floor and I thought it was adorable.

We walked into the kitchen and Blake asks, "you hungry?" I nod. "Just a bit." We look through the cupboards and the fridge and find nothing. Hmmm.

I look again and find Oreos. I pull them out and put them on the counter. We eat half the container and start looking for more food. He disappears downstairs and comes back with 2 cokes and a box of taquitos.

"I love taquitos!" I say. "Then let's make them!" He sets the oven then we wait. 5 minutes later we put the taquitos in.

20 minutes later we start to eat them. I eat 9 and he eats 10. "Damn girl you sure can eat!" "Well living with a bunch of guys you gotta grab food fast and way more than you need because they leave no leftovers." He laughs.

We sit back down on the couch and by now it's 5. We start the next episode and I relax. If this is all we do I can handle the week here. I feel myself start to fall asleep and I let myself fall asleep.

It's 4 in the afternoon and I shoot up. Screaming. Tears streaming down my face. Sweating like crazy.

Trevor runs over. "Was it the dream again?" He asks me. I nod. He gives me a hug. Blake runs downstairs, wet hair and no shirt on. "What happened? Why were you screaming?"

I don't say anything. "Sam I really think if you tell someone everything that happened you won't be so upset about it." I glare at Trevor. "No one knows and that's how I like it." "Talking will help." Blake says quietly.

I sit there. 'Should I tell him?' I asked myself over and over again. I take a deep breath.

"2 years and 4 days ago I was with Cameron, a friend of Seth's. We were driving around. It was dark. We were driving past a party at some like I don't know it was just a building but it like had a front yard it was weird. By the way, I was with him because he was babysitting me for the weekend because I didn't want to go with my family on a weekend trip. So we drove past a party. There were people outside, a few were pretty drunk, but they were on the lawn so we didn't worry about them."

I take a shaky breath then continue.

"So we drove past and I guess Cameron was going above the speed limit, the speed limit had been 50 and he was going about 60 or 65, we didn't see her until it was too late. She dashed across the street in front of us, just a blur of hot pink hair, Cameron swerved and he ran over the curb and ran into a building that was next to whatever it was."

Blake is hugging me and wiping tears off my cheeks. I didn't even realize I started crying.

I pull away and finish the story.

"The doctors said Cameron had died on impact when I woke up a week later. I had been in a coma, and they weren't for sure if I would wake up."

"It was terrifying I was crying all week." Trevor cuts in. I glare at him.

I continue, "when I did I asked about Cameron. They said he died on impact and I lost it completely. He had been like a brother to me and was literally my best friend, I told him everything, latest crush, middle school drama of the day, we were pretty much inseparable, that is, until he died. I spent another week in the hospital, crying half the time, they had to keep a close eye on me to make sure I didn't get too dehydrated, one day I didn't listen to them to take my medication and to keep drinking and I passed out, everyone freaked out, I had just started getting so depressed about Cameron dying. I felt like I should try and end it. That was the day my best friends decided to come and visit and they sat in the room bawling until I woke up."

My phone buzzed. I looked at it annoyed. A tweet. Are you... Oh my god.

I could not believe this. No. Oh god. Shiiiiiit.

I stare at my phone. Blake nudges me. "Gonna finish your sto-" he pauses when I look up. He saw the freaked out look in my face. "What? What's wrong?"

I just stare at my phone. Blake gently takes it from my hand. He looks at the tweet. He says nothing.

"Well, to finish my story, when I woke up from fainting, they hugged me to death. They let me out to go to Cameron's funeral. I just about lost in there. And just getting in the car proved to be difficult, my parents had to force me in. I was sitting there like I had a pole up my butt because I was so scared. I spent the next week in bed, just on Instagram and twitter, I was getting really annoyed with all the 'rip Cameron' stuff, yeah he's dead but is it really necessary to tag me to all of that and make me more depressed? My parents almost sent me to a counselor but the day before I was going to go, I met drew. He literally saved my life..."

I drifted off, I really can't finish this now.

A/N wow I didn't finish Sam's story and what's up with the tweet she saw?
Tell taylor caniff, Sam pottorff, and zach aplin they are hot! 😝
Love ya! -alyssa 😘

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