Chapter 19

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We walked through Jack's front door early.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!" All the guys yelled at me as they got ready for the party.

"Thanks! Wait. Is that cake?!?" I ask, running into the kitchen.

"Yeah, my mom thinks this is a birthday party for you so she got you a cake. I'll put it away so it doesn't get ruined."

"Tell your mom thank you!" I say excitedly after him as he goes to put it away.

"They even knew?!?" Blake asks.

"Maybe you just weren't listening when I told you guys?"

He just slouches onto a couch.

"Blake seriously, don't beat yourself up over this. I don't care."

"That's what they always say but it haunts them forever."

"Blake she's serious, she hates birthday parties. And birthdays in general." Dani explains.


"I got pushed into a pool at 2 of my parties, a cake in the face in 4, and I was lit on fire at one."

He stared at me.

"Are you serious? How did all that even happen?!?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."

People started coming in so jacks DJ started the music. I went to go find Luke.

"Luke! You need to meet someone!" I yell at him over the music excitedly.

"Uh. Ok?" I pull him through the crowd and find Drew.

"Luke, Drew, Drew, Luke." They shake hands and start talking. I walk off to find dani. She's flirting with Greg.

I continue walking until I find Blake."

"Did you introduce Greg and dani?"

"Noooo. Why?"

"They're flirting a storm u- just kidding, there making out now." I say laughing. I point them out to Blake and they were making out in a corner.

"My little sluts may be becoming a couple." I moon.

"It's probably just gonna be a one night stand. Greg doesn't do couples."

"Neither does dani, that's why they are perf for each other."

Blake rolls his eyes.

"C'mon, I want a drink." He says pulling me toward the bar.

"I don't want a drink though." I tell him.

"You don't need to have one." He mocks my tone. He pulls me to the bar.

"Taylor! 1 beer!" He tells the bar man.

He takes his and we walk off. I see Drew and Luke sneak off through the back door and I grin.

"What?" Blake asks me looking down.

"Drew and Luke!" I squeal.

I haven't seen Greg or dani for a while and I'm wondering where they went.

"Jack, have you seen Dani or Greg?"

"Greg said that they'd be back before midnight, not sure where they went though."

"Ok... Thanks though!" I walk off and find Blake talking to Peter.

"Hey Peter!" I say.

"Hey! How's the party?"

"I lost my 2 best friends to 2 of your friends but it's good. The flashing lights are kinda random though."

"Jack doesn't have flashing- oh shit." He says staring behind me.

I turn around and 3 policemen were standing in the doorway.

"Shit. I'm fucking dead."

I see more squad cars pulling up and more police officers come in.

"Blake. What do we do?"

"I really don't know."


I sat in the waiting room of the police station nervously twiddling my thumbs.

Blake sat beside me.

"Calm down, you didn't drink anything so you won't be busted for anything."

"Yeah but you did!" I whisper.

"Calm down, I can handle myself. The most I will get is one night here." I nod.

I see my parents walk in and I just about lose it.

"What the hell are they doing here?" I ask.

"Samantha Parker, you are free to go." A police officer tells me.

The ride home is quiet. It's almost worse than getting yelled at.

When we get home, Drew and Dani are sitting on the front porch laughing.

"You'll get your punishment after they leave." My parents tell me. I gulp then nod.

Drew and Dani pull me up to my room and sit me down.

"What the hell happened?" Drew asks me.

"Someone ratted to the police that there was booze and they came!"

"Did you get busted for drinking?"

"No, I hadn't had a drink yet. But Blake's probably in some deep shit."

"That sucks."

"Yeah, so what happened to you guys?"

"Me and Luke took a walk down the beach! I really like him Sam! And he's so hot!" I laugh and turn to dani.

I raise my eyebrow when she doesn't answer at first.

"You didn't." I said in disbelief.

"I did!" She squealed.

"Ew!" Drew groaned.

"Why him? He's a one night stand kinda guy!"

"I don't know. He's cute, and very good I might add."

I fake gag.

"Hey, I'm guessing I'm not the only one who's screwed someone here. How many times have you and Blake done it?"

"Keep it down! My parents still don't know we've done it! That I've done it!"

"Ohhhh! Ha! Told ya, so how many times?"

"3....." I drag out."

"Damn girl, you work fast!"

"Not really, compared to like Chelsea... She did it 3 times a night."

"True... So is he any good?"

"He's mine! But yes. The first time I was drunk, but the other 2 times were good."

She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Do you want me to rid you of your brows? Cause I will if you don't stop."

She stops and grins at me.

"Police stations are terrifying, never get busted." I say, leaning back on my bed.

"Let's just go to bed, I think we've all had quite a night." Dani says. We look at Drew to see if he's up for it and he's passed out.

"What if he's having sexual dreams about Luke?" Dani asks giggling.

"That would be so gross and cute at the same time!" I squeal quietly.

"Night Sam."

"Night dani."


"What's gonna happen to Blake?


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