Chapter 1

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"So, Niall, how are you feeling about this break?"

"You know, I miss performing and recording, but it's been nice to get some rest."

"And attending all the Derby matches!"

Nial cackles. "Mate, this is the best part."

Niall's attention is drawn to a pretty girl sitting down close. She is focused intently on the game.

"Adam, who's that?" Niall asks.


"The pretty girl down there in the first row."

"She's the new reporter for Sky Sports. Only been with them a couple weeks, I believe."

"I haven't caught any of her articles yet, she any good?"

"Actually, her articles are brilliant." Adam insists.

"Have you met her?"

"No. Why, do you fancy her?" Adam teases.

Niall grins. "Come on, a beautiful girl, who loves sports that much, she must be my soulmate."

The lads laugh, but Niall's focus returns to the pretty journalist.

Niall watches during halftime as she quickly makes her way up the stairs. As she passes by, he tries to give her a cheeky smile. Unfortunately, she never even looks his way.

By the start of the second half he notices she is back in her seat.

Finding himself feeling quite distracted for the rest of the game. That usually doesn't happen to him, sports always getting his full attention.

Yet another lost opportunity as the game ends, she rushes off before he can get anywhere near her.

"Geez mate, you look like someone kicked your dog, come on." Adam says.

He leads Niall down to the locker room.

"How'd you manage this?" Niall asks.

"I have my connections...or I just used your name." Adam grins.

Niall laughs. "Why didn't I think of that? Oh crap, there she is."

Adam practically drags Niall behind him.

"Hi, I'm Adam." He extends his hand to the pretty journalist.

She smiles, trying to be polite, yet still obviously focused on her job. Taking his hand. "Hi, I'm Becca."

"Nice to meet you. This is my friend, Niall Horan."

Niall extends his hand.

She looks at him blankly.

"From One Direction." Adam adds.

Becca smiles as she takes Niall's hand. "Of course, I'm sorry, I usually only recognize athlete's names. I do enjoy your music though. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Niall grins, squeezing her hand. "The pleasure is mine. I understand you're the new big thing at Sky Sports."

Niall feels his heart squeeze as she blushes.

"I don't know about new big thing, but I do write for them, yes."

"What sports are you covering?"

Her eyes shoot up to look at the door to the locker room. "Everything so far."

"What's your favorite sport?"

She appears distracted. "Hmm? I'm sorry, I'm trying to snag an interview with Derby's goalie. If I don't rush over there when he comes in, I'll miss out. He doesn't give many interviews."

Niall grins. "I think I can help you out with that. Come with me."

She follows at a bit of a distance.

He talks to a gentleman, then turns to Becca, directing her to follow him. He leads her into an empty room with a small table. Within seconds, the quiet goalie enters the room. First he moves to Niall, giving him a big hug. They share a short conversation, then Niall introduces him to Becca.

"She's an amazing journalist with Sky Sports. I was hoping you'd give her an interview?"

The goalie agrees.

Niall watches as an obviously excited Becca begins the interview. He stands back, beyond impressed by this beautiful, intelligent woman.

She makes the shy goalie feel at ease. Obviously knowledgeable about the game, she asks intelligent, interesting, original questions.

Why can't the lads and I ever get reporters like that for interviews? Niall wonders.

After the interview, Niall and Becca make their way outside.

"Thank you, Niall. That was incredible. I never could have gotten that interview without you. I can never thank you enough." Becca says.

Niall smiles. "How about you let me buy you dinner?"

"Actually, I should be the one buying you dinner. I have to get home and write this article though."

"How about tomorrow, after the game? We'll go to the pub." Niall smiles.

"Sure. But it's my treat." Becca agrees.

Niall laughs, moving closer to her. "If you insist. It was a pleasure to meet you, Becca."

As he heads to his car, he turns around. "See you tomorrow, B."

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