Chapter 50

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Looking up at the clock, Becca sees that it's dinner time. "We literally spent all day in bed, Niall."

He smiles, kissing her. "I know, it was amazing. Come on, I'll make us something to eat."

Throwing on Niall's t-shirt, Becca follows him to the kitchen.

"So how was girl's night?" He asks as he gathers ingredients for their meal.

Becca grins. "It was good. Kara made me watch one of her romance movies, though."

"Why not Moneyball?"

"Exactly my thought. She claims I've made her watch it too much; like that's possible."

Niall laughs. "How much alcohol did Kara make you consume?"

Becca smiles. "There was a nonstop stream of mimosas. I had a headache when I got here, but you cured that, Irish." She wraps her arms around him, from behind. His eyes close slowly, his heart hurting in a way he's never experienced before.

"I'm glad I could help, Gorgeous." He replies, trying to keep things light for now.

Over dinner, their conversation is mainly sports related. Becca can't help but feel like something's off with Niall.

After dinner, they clean up together, mostly in silence. Then Becca takes Niall's hand, leading him to the living room. She sits on the couch, facing him, one leg beneath her. She smiles. "Niall, I want to talk about the job offers."

"Me too." Niall adds. "I've been thinking about it and (I don't want you to go) I think you should take the job in California."

Becca's smile fades. "But..."

"You really can't pass it up. I want you to go."

Her mind is racing. "You want me to go?"

"Yes." Niall tries to stay stone faced, even though inside he's falling apart.

Becca fights back the tears. "I don't...I don't understand."

"I want you to go to California. Take the job."

She's afraid to ask the question, fearing the answer. "Without you?"

Niall swallows hard. I can't do this. "Ye..yes."

Becca can't help but gasp, not expecting that reply.

Quietly, she says. "Niall?"

"It's for the best, Becca."

The tears flow now. "You called me Becca. You always call me B. You're the only one who calls me B."

Niall doesn't say a word. If he does, he knows he'll beg her to stay.

With tears streaming down her face, she runs to his bedroom. Throwing on her jeans, and grabbing her bag. On her way to the front door, she pauses in the living room. Niall's standing now, a look in his eyes she doesn't recognize. He doesn't say a word, doesn't try to stop her.

At the front door, he holds it closed as she tries to open it. "Please don't hate me...B."

She looks into his eyes, tears rolling out of hers. "That's the problem, Irish. I could never hate you. That's why this hurts so bad." Looking down, then back up to meet his eyes. "You promised you'd never do what he did to me!"

With a strength she wasn't aware she had, she yanks the door open, then slams it behind her.

"Damn it!" Niall pulls the door open, wanting to stop her. Her car is already gone. He slams the door with such force that the whole house shakes.

The tears he's been holding back, threaten to spill over now. He plops down into a chair, holding his head in his hands. "What have I done?"

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