Chapter 52

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On the way back to her place, Kara calls Niall.

He answers. "Is she alright?"

"No you idiot, she most certainly is not alright."

"Crap. I don't know what to do. I've made such a mess."

"Yes, you did, Horan. I specifically told you not to be a guy!"

"Should I come see her?"

"You can't. She's on her way to California, just like you told her you wanted."



Niall stares at the phone in his hand. "Already?"

"What is it, Niall?" Willie asks.

"B's gone, already. She's left for California."

"Isn't that what you wanted? For her to be happy?"

"You didn't see her face last night. She was most definitely not happy. I think I broke her heart. I know I broke mine in the process. Shit!"

"Niall, maybe you..."

He interrupts Willie. "No offense, but I'm done taking advice from you."


"Not your fault. I'll be in my room."

Niall walks into his room, finding the bed exactly how he and Becca left it yesterday. Laying down gently on it, he takes in the the scent of her, the scent of them together. God, I miss her. Why was I such an idiot?

He reaches across the bed for Becca's shirt. Holding it near his heart, he remembers the first day he saw her. The Derby game, looking down in the stadium, seeing the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He'd just known something was different about her. She ignited something in his heart that was never there before. Finally meeting a woman whose passion for sports equalled, or rivaled his own. She was more than he could have ever hoped for. Now he's hurt her, and ruined everything they've found together. Damn it!

He'd worked so hard to win her over. Promised her he'd never hurt her, that's exactly what he'd done.

A grin comes across his face as he remembers teaching her how to play darts. Then there was the time she taught him how to play baseball.

Remembering the time Becca was auctioned off at that charity event; he would have gave all the money he had to keep another man from having her.

Niall looks down at the friendship bracelet on his wrist, it reminds him of their time in Ireland. The first time they made love. Being with her was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. He can no longer imagine ever sharing that with another woman.

Ireland was also the first time he'd been an idiot, a jealous idiot. They both have come so far in their relationship. Now it's over, and it's all his fault. There has to be hope for us. Maybe she'll forgive me, if I explain.

Picking up his phone, Niall dials her number. It rings several times before it's answered. His heart skipping a beat at the thought of her voice.

Only it's not her voice he hears. Instead, it's a quite masculine, american voice.

"Is B...uh...Becca there?" Niall asks.

"Becca, babe, your phone."

Niall doesn't wait for her to pick up the phone. Apparently she's moved on, already.

What A Feeling (Niall Horan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora