Chapter 43

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The whole ride back to the hotel, Niall's mind was racing. He chooses to keep all these feelings to himself for now.

Once inside their room, Becca lays her hands on his chest, pushing him up against the wall. "I'd like to thank you, properly, for your support, Irish.

He grins. "No thank you necessary. I'll always support you."

She teasingly starts to step away. "Ok."

Niall grabs her waist, pulling her back. "I'll happily accept your thank you, though."

She laughs. "I love you."

He runs his fingers through her hair. "And I love you."

She feels a squeeze around her heart. He's looking at her, as though she is the only woman in the world.

Her lips seek out his, finding them to taste even sweeter than she'd remembered. There is something incredibly sexy about a man who believes in you, even more than you believe in yourself.

Concerns pop into her mind, regarding her job, Niall, Kara.....she pushes them down. Not tonight.

Her focus returns; pressing her body against his. He's hard in all the right places, causing parts of her to respond immediately.

She pulls him from the wall, bringing him even closer to her. As she moves against Niall, a loud moan escapes him.

Becca takes Niall's hand, leading him to the bed. She begins to undress him. After each button she undoes on his shirt, she kisses the skin it reveals. Slowly making her way down to his stomach. The small nibbles there, causing his breath to catch.

Another loud moan escapes Niall, as she touches the waistband of his jeans. She unhurriedly removes them, her hands touching every part of him on the way down.

Niall reaches down, grabbing her arms, pulling her up to her full height. "Are you trying to drive me insane?" Looking in her eyes, his opaque with want. "I want you"

The raspiness of his voice almost causing her to explode.

He bites his lip, as he begins to literally tear at her clothes. Lifting her onto the bed, climbing on top of her, he fills her immediately. Kissing her, then whispering in her ear. "There'll be no slow romantic gestures tonight, Darling. You've unleashed a bit of a beast."

Becca swallows arduously. Good God!

That night, she relinquished all control to Niall. His sweet smile sneaking through his forceful actions, as he takes her to the edge and over, multiple times.

The next morning, Becca awakens Niall with a kiss. "Good morning, Beasty." She teases.

He yawns, then grins. "You did bring out a different side of me last night." Then asking with concern. "I wasn't too rough, was I?"

Becca smiles. "No, Irish, you were perfect."

"You were pretty perfect too, Darling. Then again, you always are." He kisses her sweetly.

She sighs. "I need to start writing."

"How about I go have some breakfast, and I'll bring you back some?"

She kisses Niall. "Thank you, that would be great, it will give me some distraction free time to write." She winks.

As he walks, naked, into the next room to get ready, he tells her. "Is it my fault that you can't resist this?" He smirks.

Downstairs, as Niall enters the restaurant, he spots Kara. "May I join you?"

She smiles. "Sure. Where's Becca?"

"Writing, distraction free."

"Haha, she kicked ya out, huh? Did she have her way with you first?"

Niall blushes. "Actually, I volunteered to give her time alone. And, I think it would be more accurate to say that I had my way with her last night."

Kara grins, beginning to clap. "Well done, my friend."

Niall places his order with the waitress. All his concerns begin to resurface.

"What's wrong, Leprechaun? You look like someone stole your pot of gold."

Niall shakes his head, grinning. "Cute."

Kara laughs. "I do have a way with words. Seriously though, you alright?"

Niall explains to Kara about the job offer.

"What did Becca say about it?"

" all."

"Maybe that's because she's not interested."

"Or, maybe she's very interested and she's afraid to tell me."

Kara looks down. "She has always dreamt of working for them. I mean I know she loves working at Sky Sports, and her life in England. But, I also know how much she loves her American sports, she could cover those full time here."

Niall rubs his sweaty palms on his jeans.

"I'm sorry, Niall, just trying to be honest."

"I know, I appreciate that."

"You need to talk to her about it. Don't do any of that stupid guy shit, pretending you know what she wants without asking."

Niall grins. "I'll try not to be a guy."

"Oh, you can be a guy sometimes. I'm pretty sure Becca likes that." She winks.

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