Chapter 30

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Becca is awoken the next morning by a kiss. Opening her eyes she finds Niall, holding a tray with breakfast on it.

"Good morning, Darling."

Becca sits up. "Aww, thank you, Niall." She gives him a kiss as he sets the tray in front of her. "That's very sweet of you."

Niall grins, kissing her forehead. "Anything for you, B."

Even though Niall's already had his breakfast, he helps Becca eat hers.

On the way to the tournament, Niall holds her hand as he drives. "Did your boss like that article?"

Becca grins. "Actually, he said it was my best article yet."


"Yeah, so I'm going to need you to have sex with me before every article I write from now on." Becca smirks.

Niall grins. "Well, that's a unique request, but I'd be happy to help you out."

They both laugh.

At the tournament, Niall hangs back a bit. Becca has a full day of interviews to conduct. She's a bit frustrated though, she can't seem to get a chance to talk to any of the higher ranked players.

"Is that a problem?" Niall asks.

"I have a great idea for an article about up and coming players, but my boss, he's going to want some big names also."

"I'm gonna get out of your way for a bit, let you work." Niall tells her.

"Alright, I'll see you later."

The look of worry on her face, breaks Niall's heart. He has a plan though.

"Hey, Rory."

"Niall! How's my favorite fellow Irishman?"

Niall grins. "I'm good."

Niall goes on to tell Rory all about his relationship with Becca.

Rory smiles. "I've never seen you like this, Niall."

"Yeah, this girl's different." He smiles.

"I've never met Becca, but I've read some of her articles." Rory says.

"I've got a favor to ask, my friend."

"Anything for you, Niall."

As the tournament wraps up for the day, Becca runs into Jack. "Have you seen Niall?" She asks.

"I did, he asked me to give you this." Jack hands Becca a note.

"Thanks, Jack."

After he leaves, she opens it.


Trust me. Go to room 425.



She's not sure which she's more confused by. The fact that he's sending her to a strange room, or that he signed the note love.

Standing outside room 425, she knocks.

Her jaw drops as Rory McIlroy answers. "Hi, Becca. Come on in."

She slowly enters the room.

"Niall and I are good friends. He was telling me about what an amazing journalist you are. I asked him to arrange a meeting."

Becca smiles. "Yeah, right. You're very kind, Rory, but I'm sure Niall asked you a favor."

He smiles. "Either way, let's do an interview."

Sitting down at the table, pulling out her notebook, Becca begins asking questions.

Before she knows it, a half an hour has gone by. "I'm sorry, Rory, I didn't mean to take up so much of your time."

"Not a problem, that had to be the most pleasant interview I've ever given."

"Thank you." Becca smiles.

"I'll let the other guys know as well. They'll be more willing to give you interviews then."

"I really appreciate that, Rory. Good luck tomorrow."

"Thanks. Oh, this is from Niall." He hands her another note.

Once in the hall, she reads it.


Meet me in room 637.



She grins as she makes her way to the room. Just now realizing how much she's missed him.

The door is slightly ajar, she opens it, stepping inside cautiously. She finds Niall standing there with a dozen red roses.

As she stands in front of him, he hands her the roses. "I'm here to help you with your writing." He raises his eyebrows suggestively.

Becca laughs, then moves in for a kiss. "You, Niall Horan, are a selfless, kind person. So willing to help."

He grins, kissing her forehead before moving to her lips.

"Seriously, Niall, thank you for the Rory interview, and the flowers."

"He texted me, said it's the best interview he's ever given, hands down. He was quite impressed with you."

"That's nice." Biting her lip. "Are you impressed with me, Niall?'"

Niall moves in for a kiss, biting her lip as he pulls back. "How about I show you how impressed I am with you?"

"Mmm, I'm gonna need twice the inspiration, I've got two articles to write."

Niall smirks. "I'm sure I'm up for the challenge." 

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