Chapter 46

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The next morning, Niall and Becca have breakfast in their room.

"So, B. Are we going to address the elephant in the room?"

"Which one?" She grins.

Niall raises his eyebrow. "Oh, we have more than one, do we?"

She shakes her head. "No, I'm just avoiding the subject."

"Darling, you can't avoid it forever."

"I know, Niall. They're sending me an official offer, then I'll have to give Sky Sports a chance to counter offer; and then, I have a huge decision to make." Laying her hand on Niall's. "How do you feel about it?"

He turns his hand, entwining their fingers together. "I want you to be happy, B."

She smiles for him, then thinks. That's the problem, choosing between the things that make me happy.

They arrive back in England late, heading straight to Niall's house and his bed, exhausted.

The next morning, Becca wakes him. "I have to go home to get ready for work; no clean clothes left."

A groggy Niall replies. "Wanna borrow something of mine?"

Becca laughs. "Uh, no. Go back to sleep, I'll call you later." She gives her sleeping prince a kiss, then she's out the door.

Stepping into her flat, she spots the pile of mail that Kara has retrieved for her. The large brown envelope stands out. Ignoring it for now, she gets ready for work.

When she returns to the kitchen to make coffee, she finds Kara already there. Mug of coffee for her in one hand, and the large envelope in the other.

"Come on girl, let's do this." Kara insists.

Sitting at the small kitchen table, with their coffee, Becca opens the envelope.

Kara tries to wait patiently. "Well?"

Becca looks up, conflicted. "It's an incredible offer, Kara." She hands her the paperwork.

Kara looks it over. "Wow, that is pretty incredible."

Becca frowns. "Part of me was hoping the offer would suck."

"I know you need to get to work, but let's do a girl's night tonight. We are way overdue."

Becca smiles. "That sounds great. I'll tell Niall."

Becca's morning is filled with meetings; everyone praising her on the Warriors piece. She also gave the job offer to her boss.

"Look Becca, I don't want to lose you. However, I have to be honest with you, this is a great offer, and I'm pretty sure we won't be able to match it. If I was you, I would take the job in California. You can make more money, be in your home country, and cover the sports you really love."

Becca calls Niall during her lunch. "Kara wants to have a girl's night tonight. I feel bad, I've been neglecting our friendship."

"So you're telling me I'm stuck with Willie tonight."

Becca laughs. "Yes. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Darling. Did you get the offer?"

Becca frowns. "I did. I'll email it over to you later."

"Becca, can I see you before you leave?"

She grins. "Sure, Boss."

He closes the door to his office. "They've already made a counter offer."

"That was fast...that can't be good."

"I'm afraid not. We just don't have the same resources as that network." He hands her a sealed envelope.

Looking over the offer, Becca sighs. "I guess I have a decision to make."

"Becca, why don't you take tomorrow off? Take the time to make your decision."

Becca smiles. "Thank you."

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