Chapter 14

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On the ride to Becca's, Niall finds himself getting quite nervous.

I have to convince this girl to give us a chance.

He takes a deep breath as he knocks on her door.

Kara answers. "Hmm, she was right; Disney prince."

Niall grins. "What?"

"Oh, nothing. Becca will be right out." Walking towards the bedroom, she adds. "You may want to brace yourself, Mr. Niall."

Brace myself?

Becca enters the room and Niall feels his knees buckle. His eyes move up and down her body. I didn't think she could be more beautiful than she already was.

"Holy crap." He approaches her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "B, you look incredible."

Becca blushes. "Thank you. You look very handsome in your tuxedo."

Now it's Niall turn to blush.

Kara interjects. "Ok, right now this evening is rated G. I have high hopes it will end with at least an R rating."

Niall watches Becca roll her eyes.

"Ready?" She says.

He grins. "Yes." Putting out his arm for her to take.

As they arrive at the event, Becca asks. "What's the charity?"

"They provide sports equipment for kids all over the world."

Becca smiles. "Really? That's amazing."

Knowing she's nervous, Niall puts his hand on the small of her back. Leading her through the red carpet, with a reassuring smile.

At the entrance to the event, they are greeted by the charity's founder, Mrs. Davis. As she has a long conversation with Becca about her career, Niall stands back.

She's so beautiful, so amazing. She never leaves my thoughts these days. God help me, I'm falling in love with this girl.

Finishing the conversation, Becca reaches for Niall's hand, smiling.

That sweet smile of hers, makes me think not such sweet thoughts. She's already in my heart, now I want her in my bed as well.

They find their seats, Niall scooting his chair even closer to hers.

"I wanted to thank you for the dress, Niall. I really love it, but you don't have to buy me things."

"Come on now, friends can buy each other presents."

Becca looks down, "Friends. Right."

When Niall returns from getting them drinks, Mrs. Davis is at the table.

"No, I couldn't." Becca insists.

"What's up?" Niall asks.

Mrs. Davis explains. "We are having an auction tonight. You know, you can purchase a date with someone. One of our ladies couldn't make it, so I was asking Becca to fill in."

"Wait, you want to auction Becca off?"

"Well, yes. We've done these auctions quite often and we make a lot of money for the kids."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Davis, but I'm pretty shy. I couldn't stand up there and be auctioned off like that." Becca insists.

"Please, Becca. Just think of those poor kids. You of all people should understand the importance of sports in these children's lives." Mrs. Davis pleads.

"Well, yes, but..."

"I tell you what, I'll give you an exclusive interview. And I will get two of the top athletes here tonight to give you exclusive interviews."

Becca blows out a breath. "I can't refuse that. I'll do it."

"Oh, fabulous! Thank you, Becca. Just come up to the stage when we call your name."


"Yes, B."

"Will you please buy me?"

Niall cackles. "Of course I will, Darling."

"I'm sure I'll go cheap."

He kisses her cheek. "I doubt that."

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