Chapter 54

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Becca's writing up an article, when a very manly thigh appears on her desk. Looking up she sees a very handsome man sitting there. His blonde hair immediately making her think of Niall.

"Hey, Becca, I'm Steve, I've heard a lot of great things about you."

She takes his extended hand. "Nice to meet you, Steve. I've heard a lot about you too." Mainly from the women who work here.

"I hope all good." He smiles.

Becca nods.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you right away. I was on assignment."

"I heard. New York, right?"

He grins. "Yeah, I was doing some research for a story on the Dodgers, their Brooklyn roots."

Becca smiles. "I can't wait to read it. Have you interviewed Vin Scully yet?"

"I did. It was incredible."

"I'm jealous."

"What's your favorite sport, Becca?"


Steve grins. "Me too."

Becca looks down at the laptop. The cursor reminds her of the approaching deadline for her article.

"I'll let you get back to work, Becca. One quick question first."

She smiles. "Ok, what?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

The smile fades from her face. " It's complicated right now."

Steve smiles, touching her hand. "I understand, no pressure. I just want you to know, if you're available, I'm interested."

He winks, then he's gone.

Becca blows out a frustrated breath. "Crap."



"What is it, Kara?" Niall asks.

"Um, nothing."

"Kara!" Niall grabs her phone. "Who's this guy?"

"Apparently Becca works with him."

"Geez, why do all the guys she works with look like freaking models?"

"I guess he's made it clear that he's interested in her."

"Well he can forget it, she's mine!"

Kara grins as Niall stomps off to the restroom.

"Why did you tell him that?" Adam asks.

"To get him fired up. He's gotta show Becca how badly he wants her back."

"I guess that makes sense."

"Hey Adam, did you know they call you "Hot Adam" on twitter?"

He grins. "Would you call me that?"

Kara smirks. "Absolutely."

Adam spies Niall on his way back to his seat. "Maybe after we get those two back together, you'll let me take you out on a date?"

"If you're lucky." Kara grins.

Adam laughs.

"Alright, Kara. How am I gonna win B back?"

"Don't worry, Niall, I came prepared. How long is this flight? I've got some movies for you to watch."

After fast forwarding through two romance movies, Niall informs Kara. "These just aren't me, and I don't think this is what B would like."

Adam interrupts. "I've got one for you to watch, Niall. I think it might be more helpful."

"What is it?" Kara asks.

"Fever Pitch."


Becca's heart skips a beat at the knock on her hotel room door. Opening the door, all her hopes are deflated. "Hi, Steve. What are you doing here?"

"I was afraid I came on too strong earlier, and I wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to come off like a jerk."

"No, you didn't. I should be the one apologizing. My situation is a bit of a mess right now."

"Why don't you come downstairs and have a drink with me? You can tell me all about it. Maybe that will help somehow."

Becca smiles. "Sure. I could use a drink."

At the bar, Steve and Becca sit at a table in the corner.

"When I first met Niall, I was attracted to him. I told him I couldn't see him though; my career came first."

Steve smiles. "Let me guess, he didn't take no for an answer? I wouldn't either."

Becca blushes. "No, he didn't. He pursued me and I let down my walls, letting him in my heart."

"How'd he break it?"

"That obvious, huh?"

"Becca, it's clear that your heart is broken. It's also clear you are missing someone."

She looks down. "When I got this job offer, it was a hard decision for me. I never got the chance to tell Niall my decision. One night, he told me I needed to take the job. To come here, without him."

"You were going to stay there with him, weren't you?"

Tears threaten to spill over. "Yes."

"Do you still love him?"

Becca wipes away the tears. "Yes. He really hurt me, even so, I'll always love him. I can't help but still believe he's the one for me."

"Let me give you a guy's perspective. I don't know Niall, however, being a member of the more stupid sex, I'll speak on his behalf."

Becca grins. "Alright."

"I think what Niall did was believe that by telling you to go, take a job covering a sport you love; he was being selfless. If he truly loved you, he had to push you away. So you'd be happy."

"That is by far the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

Steve laughs. "I know, men are idiots. Can you see through the stupidity long enough, to see the good intentions behind it?"

Becca takes a moment. "So he didn't intend to hurt me? He wasn't trying to get rid of me?"

"No, he was putting your happiness before his own."

"Why the hell didn't he just say that?"

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