Chapter 58

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"Niall, it's perfect." Becca says, looking around the large house.

"Are you sure? We can look at some others."

She smiles, laying her hand alongside his handsome face. "No, this is the one."

He grins. "I love you."

"I love you, Irish." She kisses him, then frowns. "Unfortunately, I have to get to work."

Niall asks hesitantly. "At the stadium?"

"No, I have to go to the office first."

He smiles. "I'll drop you off."

"Yes, Mr. Horan, we can make this work."

"Call me Niall, please. Thank you so much for your help."

Adam slaps Niall on the back as they exit the stadium office. "So, are you sure about this?"

Niall smiles nervously. "I've never been more sure of anything. I just wish I could stop shaking."

"You've been in front of bigger crowds than this, Niall."

"I'm only worried about the audience of one."

"You'll be fine, Niall."

"Thank you, Steve, for all your help."

"My pleasure." Steve smiles.

Niall turns to Kara. "You've been awfully quiet, Kara. Will B like it?"

Kara grins. "She's going to love it, Leprechaun." Then grabbing his shoulders, looking him square in the eyes. "Just don't ever hurt her again, or you'll have me to deal with."

"Never again, Kara, I swear."

She smiles. "I believe you. Now I need to go find Becca."

"Kara? What are you doing here? I thought you were coming to the stadium later?"

"I'm looking for you. I've got this new makeup technique I want to try on you."

"I usually just do my makeup myself before the games."

"I know, but I'm dying to try this out. This is the only time you aren't with Niall."

A bit of guilt surfaces. She hasn't spent much time with Kara. "Sure, do whatever you'd like."

Becca doesn't see Kara's satisfied smirk.

"How do I look?"

"You look great, Niall." Adam replies.

"Yeah, you look great." The guys in the clubhouse assure him. "Just make sure you treat Becca right; or you'll have us to deal with." The team insists.

Niall smiles. No wonder B loves her job so much. "Don't worry guys."

"Do you have everything?" Adam asks.

Niall double checks his pockets. "Yes,"

"We better get out there. Ten minutes, mate."

Niall blows out a breath. "Shit."

Looking in the mirror, Becca smiles. "Wow, Kara, I love it. Might be a bit much for pre-game." She winks.

Kara grins. "I think it's perfect. Mind if I come watch?"

"I'd love it, come on."

Kara smirks, sending a quick text to Adam. "She doesn't have a clue."

Kara watches as Becca does her pre-game report in front of the camera. She loves the way her friend's eyes sparkle when she talks about baseball.

Becca watches as the cameraman signals that she is off air. Little does she know, he's still recording.

She looks up, confused, as Take Me Out to the Ballgame begins to play over the stadium speakers. They never play that before the game.

Then she hears it, the voice that sets her heart on fire. Niall.

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