Chapter 31

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Niall and Becca arrive back in England late.

"Why don't you just stay here tonight, Niall?"

He smirks. "You'll allow me to stay here, at your flat?"

She grins. "You should feel honored, Irish. You're the first man to spend the night here."

"The first? You mean the first and the last." Niall insists.

"Well, Mr. Horan, that depends. Maybe if you behave yourself." She teases.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her close. "You sure you want me to behave?"

She grins. "Maybe not."

Lifting her over his shoulder, he carries her to the bedroom like a sack of potatoes.

She giggles. "You need to watch some of Kara's Hallmark movies. This isn't how the guy is supposed to carry the girl."

Setting her down next to the bed, he asks. "Am I not romantic enough for ya?"

She locks her hands together, behind his neck. "You're my kind of romantic, Niall. You're perfect, just the way you are." Pulling him down for a kiss.

Full of emotion, Niall tells her.

"Do you know how much it means to me, that you think I'm perfect?"

She meets his sweet eyes, so surprised that her approval is so important to this amazing man.

Niall begins kissing her neck. Slowly undressing her. Each new portion of bare skin, covered by his gentle kisses.

Pulling her closer to the bed, he tells her. "Tonight, I'm going to show you just how perfect YOU are to me."

The next morning, Becca wakes up in Niall's arms. Their bodies fitting together perfectly, skin to skin. Her first thought. This is nice, I could get used to this.

Then quickly telling herself. No, it's too soon to live together.

"Good morning, Gorgeous." Niall kisses her bare shoulder.

"Mmm, good morning."

Looking at the clock, Niall sighs. "I wish I could stay, Darling, but I have to meet Willie."

Becca smiles. "I understand. I'll go make some coffee."

Niall gently grabs her arm, pulling her back down. Hovering above her, meeting her eyes, with his own sparkling baby blues. "I've got a little time."

She laughs against his lips.

Standing in the kitchen, as the coffee brews, it's hard to wipe the smile off her face. Niall makes her so happy.

The doorbell rings, bringing her out of her trance. She knows exactly who it will be.


"Becca! I missed you, give me a hug."

"Thanks for taking care of the flat for me."

"Of course. Now give me all the details."

Just then, Niall emerges from the kitchen with a travel mug of coffee, his hair still damp from the shower.

Kara shrieks. "There's a hot Irish guy in your flat!"

Niall grins. "You think I'm hot, do ya, Kara?"

She rolls her eyes.

Becca laughs. Niall wraps his arm around her waist. "I've gotta go, Darling.  I'll call you later." He leaves her with a long, passionate kiss.

At the door, he turns back. "Kara, Becca mentioned you have some movies I should watch."

Kara looks confused, as Becca laughs.

Niall winks. "Bye, ladies."

"Alright, obviously this was a great trip. I want every detail. Well, maybe not I do, I want every detail."

Becca grins. "May I please get some coffee first?"

"Yes, but make it quick, and get me some too. Do you have donuts? I may need donuts."

Bringing coffee and donuts to her, Becca says. "Gee, Kara, I had no idea how invested you were in Niall and I."

"You guys are like my very own Hallmark romantic movie."

Becca laughs. "I doubt that."

Kara is not patient. "So?"

Becca gets comfortable, sharing the beginning of the trip with Kara.

"And when does the good stuff start?" Kara asks.

"Well, I thought that was good stuff."

Kara smirks. "You know what I mean."

Becca recounts the details of their first night together. Well not all the details.

"That sounds so amazing, Sweetie. Like the perfect mixture of hot and romantic."

Becca smiles, remembering. "Yes, it was."

"So, he's good in bed? Does he have a big...."

"Kara!" Becca cuts her off.


Becca smirks. "Let's just say, I'm a very happy girl."

Kara grins. "Ahh, so he does. I've heard guitarists are really good with their fingers, is that true?"

"Kara, I am not discussing this with you."

"The way you're blushing, tells me it's true. Good for you, girl."

Getting serious, Becca says. "It's more than that, Kara."

"I know, Sweetie. I can tell you really care about this guy. I'm happy that you've finally opened yourself up to him."

"Me too. I'm really falling for him. I've never felt so comfortable with anyone before."

"That's great."

"And we have so much in common."

"That is important. Do you know what else is important?"

"What?" Becca asks.

"Really great sex."

Kara didn't even see the pillow coming, until it knocked the donut from her hand.

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