Chapter 13

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"Ok, that movie was so good." Kara says.

Becca gets up from her couch, retrieving her laptop. "It was a little too mushy for me."

Kara shakes her head. "You're hopeless, Girl."

"You are lucky I'm even speaking to you after this afternoon."

Kara laughs. "Oh come on, Niall thought it was funny. I was just teasing, I know you are too uptight for that."

"Uptight? Is this some kind of reverse psychology?"

"Who me?" Kara teases.

Becca's cell rings, Kara picks it up. "It's Niall wanting to facetime. Dang, a late night phone sex call. Maybe there's a freak inside you after all." She clicks accept, then faces the phone towards Becca without her realizing.

"Well if there is, Niall would be the one to bring it out." Becca says.

"I'd bring out what, B?" He asks.

She looks at the screen, whispering. "Kara, I'm gonna kill you."

Kara laughs, turning the phone towards herself. "Hey Niall, I'll head home now, give you two some privacy."

Becca grabs the phone. "Hi Niall. You'll have to forgive Kara, she forgot to take her meds today."

Kara walks out the door laughing.

Niall cackles. "She sure gives you a hard time. I can tell she really cares about you though."

"Hmm, if you say so." Becca grins.

"What are you doing?" Niall asks.

As he shifts, Becca can see he's laying in his bed, shirtless.

Holy crap, he looks good.


"Oh, I'm watching a baseball game on my laptop."

"What's the website, I'll watch with you."

She smiles. "I'll send you the link."

"I have a favor to ask you, B."

"More baseball tips?"

He laughs. "No. I have a charity event to attend. It feels a little awkward to go alone, so I was hoping you'd come with me."

He looks so sweet and hopeful. How can I refuse?

"Sure, I'll come with you."

"Thanks, B. It's black tie, is that alright?"

"I don't have any appropriate dresses, but I'm sure I could borrow one."

The knock on the door wakes Becca. Looking at the clock, it reads 8:00am. She and Niall were on the phone till two in the morning. The knocking continues. "I'm coming."

Opening the door, she finds Kara, who hands her a large cup of coffee.

"Get ready, we're going shopping."

"Kara, what the hell are you talking about?"

She grins. "Wow, Niall must have kept you up late last night."

"We were on the phone till two...talking."

Kara frowns. "Hmm, not the story I was hoping for. Go get dressed."

"Why? It's my day off."

"Niall asked me to take you shopping for a dress."

"He did?"

"Yep. Let's go."

The caffeine finally begins to kick in as they enter the store.

Kara is in her element. Becca stands back watching as she moves about the store grabbing dresses.

"Come on." She says, pointing her towards the dressing room.

From inside the dressing room, Becca says. "You know I don't like shopping and I hate trying on clothes even more."

"Oh hush, you have to look good. Niall will probably wear a tux."

Becca slips on the first dress, then opens the dressing room door. "I hadn't thought about that. He'll probably look like a freaking Disney prince."

"No." Kara states.

"Ok, I guess you don't like this dress." Becca returns to the dressing room.

Four more dresses, all getting a frown from Kara.

Becca puts on a floor length black gown with a high slit. The top is simple, yet elegant. Just enough cleavage to be seen with a Disney prince.

Well, this is my choice. Now to convince Kara.

Stepping out, Becca is ready to argue her point.

"Perfect." Kara says.

Shocked, Becca says. "Really?"

"Yep. That's the one.

Kara adds shoes and jewelry.

"I can't afford all this, Kara."

"Don't worry about it."

"What?" Becca asks, concerned as Kara heads for the register.

"Your Disney prince is taking care of it."

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