Chapter 32

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"So how did your visit with Kara go earlier?" Niall asks.

Becca laughs. "It was good. Typical Kara, she was asking for some rather personal details."

He pushes the hair back from Becca's face. "Oh yeah? And what did you say, Darling?"

Becca smirks. "I told her I was an extremely happy girl."

Niall grins, moving closer. "Mmm, how would you like to be even happier?"

As Niall kisses her neck, she informs him. "Kara's living room is on the other side of the wall of my bedroom."

He smirks. "Really?" Moving close to the wall, he starts yelling. "Oh, Becca! Oh, Baby, you're so good! Yes, yes!"

As he starts pushing the headboard against the wall, Becca pushes him onto the bed. "Stop it, you dork." She laughs.

All of a sudden, loudly from the other side of the wall, they hear Pink's, Raise Your Glass.

Niall cackles, hysterically. "I love her." He says.

Becca shakes her head. She's surrounded by dorks. Her phone dings. She opens it to find a text from Kara, turning the phone to show Niall the picture. It's Kara, raising her glass of wine to them, with a wink.

Which only causes Niall to laugh even harder. Becca climbs on the bed, laying beside him.

Niall's hand sneaks under her shirt, to rest on her bare stomach. "How about we really give her something to raise her glass to?" He winks.

Becca bites her lip, trailing her hand down to the front of his jeans. " want to

be nitty gritty, dirty little freaks?"

Any trace of humor leaves Niall's face. "Shit, Babe."

His mouth covers hers. And Kara is the last thing on their minds.

Becca's phone rings at 4:00am. Exhausted from an adventurous night with Niall, she reaches out for the phone. "Hello?"

"Becca, it's Chris, FIFA is giving a press conference. The boss wants you and I to cover it. I'll pick you up at 6:00."

Chris has already hung up, when Becca's brain starts to function. Pulling back the covers to get up, Niall pulls her closer. "Where you going?"

She gives him a kiss. "I have to go to work. You can stay if you want."

Niall yawns, looking at the clock. "No, I should go home. I'm supposed to work out with Mark today."

Becca grins. "You could just tell him that I already gave you a workout last night."

Niall smirks. "Mmm, you sure did." He begins kissing her neck, heading for her chest.

"No, no." Becca pushes him back. "I have to get ready."

She jumps up, running to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Niall follows, jiggling the doorknob. "Hey, why'd you lock me out?"

"Because you are irresistible, Horan. And I've got to get ready for work."

"Do you need a ride?" Niall asks as he gets dressed.

"No, Chris is picking me up."

When Becca enters the kitchen, Niall has breakfast and coffee all ready for her.

"Thanks. You're a handy guy to have around." She winks.

Niall wraps his arms around her waist. "Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?"

She smiles. "You may have mentioned it, but please feel free to tell me as often as you'd like."

Niall swallows hard. "I think it everytime I look at you. You take my breath away."

Becca feels a tug at her heart as she looks into his eyes.

"Now sit down and eat your breakfast." Niall says.

"Wow, way to kill a romantic moment, Horan." She teases.

Niall laughs. "I guess I should ask Kara to borrow those movies, huh?"

Niall walks her outside, waiting with her, for her co-worker to arrive.

"So if the press conference is something good, you'll let me know first, right?"

"Of course, Niall. That's the perk of dating a sports reporter."

He grins, giving her a kiss. "I'll miss you, B."

"I'll miss you too."

A car pulls up. Becca reaches up to kiss Niall goodbye. He grabs her arm to pause her.

"Your co-worker is a guy?"

"Yeah, most of them are."

"Do they all look like freaking models?" Niall mutters.


"Nothing, Darling. I'll see you tonight." Then he makes a show of giving her a long kiss, while his hands are firmly on her ass.

"Dang, Irish, you make it hard for a girl to go to work."

He watches as she gets in the 'model's' car.

"I hope so." He says quietly, under his breath.  

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