Chapter 28

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The first day of the golf tournament has gone smoothly so far. Niall is patient while Becca makes notes, even helping her out a bit with his expertise. "Although I know enough about golf to report on it, I've never actually played." She confides.

"Well, then I'll have to take you out and teach you." He grins, then whispers in her ear. "I won't mind holding you tight, helping you with your swing."

Becca grins, then quickly realizes there's a camera on them. "Niall." She says, trying to subtly make him aware. Niall seems unphased by it, returning his attention to the course.

After a quick interview with Jack about the club, he insists on treating them to lunch.

He sets them up on a beautiful outside patio overlooking the 18th hole. Leaving instructions with the waitress to give them anything they'd like.

As they finish up their lunch, Niall receives a phone call. He looks at Becca.

"Go ahead, it's fine."

He heads inside to take the call. The waitress approaches with a fruity cocktail and a slip of paper.

"From the gentleman over there." She points out an attractive young golfer that Becca recognizes from her research for the tournament. He smiles. She reads the note. 'Are you available for dinner tonight?'

Just as she's about to send the waitress back over with a note declining his offer, Niall returns. Apparently he's seen enough to assume what's going on.

Grabbing the note from Becca's hand, he rushes over to the guy. Throwing the note at him, loudly telling him. "She's taken."

All eyes in the restaurant are on Niall. Becca shakes her head, grabs her bag, heading out of the restaurant.

"Sorry, I didn't know. Can't blame a guy for trying. You're a lucky man."

Niall turns back to the table, seeing Becca's gone. "Shit."

It doesn't take him long to find her, she's sitting on a bench alone in a wooded area.

When she looks up at him, rather than anger in her eyes he finds hurt. Sitting beside her, he apologizes. "I'm so sorry, B. I overreacted. Please forgive me, Darling."

She sighs. "Niall, believe me I understand getting jealous. You don't think I get jealous sometimes when girls are falling all over you?"

He looks down.

"The difference is, I don't act on it, because that's part of your job. This is my work place. I can't be known as the journalist with the jealous boyfriend. No one will ever want to do interviews with me."

"I didn't think, I just acted like an ass. It's just, you finally want me as much as I want you. I don't want to lose you."

"Niall, I've always wanted you, I just wouldn't admit it. And...I'm not going anywhere."

Niall smiles. "Next time, I'll let you handle it."

"I have lots of practice in telling these guys to take a hike, without them even realizing it."

Niall grins, taking her hand. "I am sorry, will you forgive me?"

"Of course I will." She squeezes his hand. "By the way, I do find jealous Niall extremely hot, just not at my job.."

Niall smirks. "Yeah?"

"Mmm, and when we get home, I'll show you just how hot I think jealous Niall is."

"Damn." Niall says.

Becca laughs. "Come on, Horan. I've got work to do."

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