trisdešimt aštuntas [full]

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"Give back my phone!" SeokJin yelled trying to kick his brother Taehyung in the face. The bastard just giggled as SeokJin couldn't reach him. Jimin holding him by the hands gave high five to Taehyung. Teasing their brother was their best activity. "Give it back!" SeokJin tried once more.

"Who's this Brained101 guy?" Taehyung asked sitting in the back seat of the car together with Jimin and SeokJin, where it was less boxes. "None of your bussiness." SeokJin hissed. No one seemed to listen. Taehyung suddenly frowned. "Aish, he keeps on texting you, it's annoying." Youngest knitted his eyebrows.

"Then just give back my phone and you won't have to see it." SeokJin tried to command, but it didn't seem to work as his brothers kept on ignoring him. Neither of their parents paid attention to an usual children's fight. They would just exchange a glance from time to time, but didn't support any of the sides. At these moments SeokJin really wished his parents weren't those cool people who lets their kids sort out their own problems.

"Ouch!" Taehyung exclaimed as SeokJin finally managed to kick his brother in the arm and for one second he let go of the mobal device. "It's mine!" SeokJin let out a war screech and after a second of struggling in Jimin's grip he escaped and grabbed his property lying on the seat. His eyes were feverishly running up and down, staring at the conversation.

Within seconds Jin felt cold sweat run down his forehead and who threw a glare at his brothers. Taehyung was sniffing in the corner still holding on his arm that SeokJin hit and Jimin just stuck his tongue out for the oldest.

"Shit." Jin groaned under his breath and for the first time he saw his mother giving him a warning look. "No connection?! Seriously?" Jin was getting more and more frustrated with every second. Now he just wanted to throw his phone at the window. However he didn't stop trying to contact NamJoon.

Where were the satellite when needed?


Thank you so much for 10k reads! Love you all~

Don't forget to check out previous chapters 36 "trisdešimt šeštas" and 37 "trisdešimt septintas" they are low on votes! #typicalme

Now let's all look at this screenshot xD how many chapters I have and how many votes prologue has? Yeah.


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P.S: I don't have 69 chapters written, at least not completely, some are drafts of when idea pops!

P.P.S: check out my yoonminnie fanfic "Heart beat" or as I like to call it, but it's unofficial title "Chiken wings"

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