penkiasdešimt trečias [full]

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"Why are you always looking into your phone?" Yoongi asked Jin leaning over on his table. "You know, it's unhealthy." Mint-head added as Jin hid his phone under the desk. He was slightly blushing and just tried to cover it up by letting his hair fall into his eyes. "It's nothing." He stated and looked away from Yoongi hoping that the conversation was over.

Jin was too worried about NamJoon not replying to bear anything else in mind. And the fact that he went to the same school and Jin might have met him at any given moment, without even knowing it, made older sweat.

"Listen Jin, I don't always talk this much and when I do, it means that I'm actually curious. While talking with you, I'm wasting my swag, so you better answer me." Yoongi slammed a book on Jin's desk and pulled himself closer saying every word very clearly, Jin gulped a little bit pettrified, but he got quite used to fired up Yoongi through these few days.

"Well, I seem to have a problem." Jin said trying to go around the actual situation. Yoongi rose his eyebrow. "What problem?" Jin pulled his head closer to his shoulders making him look like a turtle. "I can't find this very special person that I met online, the person means a lot to me." He said somehow strangely honest and Yoongi backed up a bit surprised by Jin's straight forwardness.

He was about to say something, but teacher spoke. Luckily not to Yoongi; cause everyone knew that you better not touch him. Nor physically, nor verbally. "Miss Park, you're late again." Teacher stated and Jin tilted his head recognising the girl. She had long brown hair and a sweet expression on her face unlike any other. "Who's she?" He questioned Yoongi to make sure.

"Park Sarang." He answered eyeing Jin suspiciously, but brown-haired bow noticed how forced Yoongi looked away from the girl. He was trying to catch her stare constantly. "I need to find a person." Jin suddenly leaned over and whispered to his friend not desiring to drag teacher's attention. "So?" Yoongi lazily asked shifting his gaze from Sarang.

"I'll help you get the girl if you help me find him." Jin offered out of the blue and Yoongi's puppils grew wide. He was obviously questioning himself whether that crush on the girl in front of him was that eye-stinging that Jin noticed immediately. Though something else, that Jin said, got Yoongi's attention. "Him?" He coughed and Jin nodded gulping. "Yeah, him."

"Well I don't swing that way, but if you-" Yoongi was about to laugh out loud, but Jin blushed crazily and slapped his hand away."Yoongi! Not what I meant. It's a friend of mine."

"He is your friend and you can't find him?" Yoongi was on the edge to burst out into laugh. Jin started to slightly regret his decision to tell anything to this mint boy of a gangster. "Well... just tell me if we have a deal." Older stuttered and Yoongi licked his lips thinking about it for a moment."Deal." He agreed and shook Jin's hand. "Will your first step towards getting me and her together, be getting your constantly flirting brother out of the way?" Yoongi questioned in a laughing manner referring to Jimin. Jin nodded agreeing.

"Do you at least have his number or something? Does he go to this school?" Yoongi got to the core as soon as he received a desired answer. "I'm sure he attends this school... and yes! I do have his number." Happy Jin clapped his hands accidentally and Sarang turned to them with the rest of the class. Luckily they all came back to what they were doing a soon as Yoongi glared.

"Cool, we'll call him during the break. But you better not forget your part of the deal." Mint-head warned Jin and turned around leaning onto his desk getting comfy for the rest of the class.


The break came and two awkwardly shrugging figures went against the flow headed the other direction than the cafeteria. Jin inhlaed deeply looking at the number on his phone screen and Yoongi just rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything understandingly. "Here goes nothing, calling him." Jin said and presses the button.

Few long beeps and Jin thought that no one will pick up, especially when you couldn't really hear anything in the hallways at school during breaks. But a strange cracking noise appeared and someone did in fact pick up. "Hello?" The voice echoed through the speaker sending chills down Jin's spine and the boy just hung up with a speed of light

"Oh my god." He whispered and closed his eyes pressing the phone against his forehead. Yoongi seemed curious and lost, also not patient. "What?" He hurried Jin and older boy shot his eyelids open looking at Yoongi a bit terrified. "I know that voice." He said with his voice cracking. Yoongi smiled and patted Jin on the shoulder unaware that the realisation actually frightened the boy.

"So, who is he?" Yoongi was still smiling, like no one saw, and probably will never see, him do again. "It's Mon." Jin's voice was like from the grave. Yoongi's hand slowly slid off Jin's shoulder and he was just mentally putting all his strength to not let his jaw drop. "You're friends with Mon? Man, and I thought you were cool." Yoongi sighed a bit disappointed.

"Hey, he is cool too." Jin suddenly felt an urge to protect his friend. NamJoon. Mon. He was the same person. The same person that Jin admired and bullied. At the same time. At that moment Jin thought he will vomit. "He's cool." He whispered again under his breath, but Yoongi heard.

"Differently from his sister, he isn't." He stated, but didn't walk away as Jin thought he will. As an older boy gave mint-head a questioning look, Yoongi shrugged. "Hey, deal is a deal. And it's not off."


Last chapter you guys ;-; I am so sad and excited for this! It's amazing how you sticked to the story till the very end and I love each and every one of you for each comment, each vote and just support. I want to thank you just for being here and reading.

I want to huge you all and tell you how much I love you, even if some, or most, parts sucked and I know I'm not a best writer, but I am so happy to see that people read what I wrote and even came to the very end of this story, this chapter. Thank you so much for being and for brining Satellite to #10
Unfortunetely this has to end.
I love you ♥♥♥ and maybe see you soon in some other story of mine.


April fools!

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