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Princesspeach: tomorrow is my first day at new school!
Princesspeach: ahh I'm so excited.

Brained101: easy love's daughter
Brained101: don't use your spells on everyone immediately, okay?
Brained101: try to find friends first.

Princesspeach: easy for you to say then you're the friendliest person around.

Brained101: ouch, I thought you were excited where is that bitterness from?

Princesspeach: I don't know... yet, but my mind is telling me that it's the right thing to say

Brained101: then tell your mind that its needs a vacation, because it's doing a horrible job.

Princesspeach: not the worst though.
Princesspeach: because it came up with a plan.

Brained101: a plan?

Princesspeach: you're welcome.

Brained101: what plan??

Princesspeach: what to do with the Jungkook guy of course.

Brained101: what about him?

Princesspeach: well you said that he spends a lot of time with your sister and that worries you... so being brother myself, I came up with a plan.

Brained101: but you're your noona's dongsaeng...

Princesspeach: oh come in, by nineteen minutes!
Princesspeach: come *on

Brained101: I'd come in, but there's no door.

Princesspeach: shut up.

Brained101: and nineteen minutes are a lot.

Princesspeach: anyways...

Brained101: you're changing the subject, because you're embarrassed

Princesspeach: you changed it first
Princesspeach: because I wanted to tell you my plan about that Jungkook guy but you interrupted me.

Brained101: oh sorry
Brained101: please, comtinue, love's daughter.

Princesspeach: I'm gonna suffocate you when I meet you.

Brained101: then I better make sure you don't.

Princesspeach: you're so gonna meet me.

Brained101: how are you going to make me?

Princesspeach: I'll threaten you.

Brained101: I don't think anything can scare me.

Princesspeach: I'll chase you around with a pan.

Brained101: in order to do that, you first need to find me.

Princesspeach: brains much.
Princesspeach: and that's actually plan b.

Brained101: so plan b is to chase me around with a pan and plan a is...?

Princesspeach: to find you on my own.

Brained101: good luck with that mate.

Princesspeach: respect your hyung.

Brained101: do you deserve my respect

Princesspeach: of course I do!
Princesspeach: after all, I came up with JungKook plan.
Princesspeach: and you changed the subject again.

Brained101: sorry hyung!

Princesspeach: you're suck a bad kid
Princesspeach: sometimes I wonder if your parents have punished you enough when you were little.

Brained101: maybe they haven't.
Brained101: but if they would have maybe I wouldn't be as fabulous as I am now.

Princesspeach: self praise at its finest.
Princesspeach: you sound just like my brother to be honest.

Brained101: which one?

Princesspeach: oh that... um... well adopted one.

Brained101: you still havent told him, have you.

Princesspeach: nope.

Brained101: are you planning to?

Princesspeach: mom said she will do it on her own.

Brained101: well good luck to her too.
Brained101: looks like your whole family will need lots of luck.

Princesspeach: yeah
Princesspeach: except Chan
Princesspeach: she already has loads of luck.

Brained101: well that's one of a lucky girl

Princesspeach: and I'm lucky to be her brother, cause I don't need to worry about the boys around her.
Princesspeach: she turns them down like a queen.

Brained101: not familiar with that.

Princesspeach: speaking of sisters...

Brained101: oh...ugh..sorry?

Princesspeach: how do you manage to change the subject so quickly!?!
Princesspeach: back to the plan.


I really hope you like the story and won't kill me for what's gonna happen.


Love you.

/runs away/

P.S: Where are my Topp Dogg fans???

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