Chapter 1

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Another day of school, waking into those double doors and waving at Miss A, the receptionist.

"Morning Liz." she smiles.

"Morning!" I smile back.

Continuing on with my day. walking into first period with the same unsettling sadness on my face and a great deal of discomfort in my skinny jeans. Walking in and sitting down in the same seat I've sat in for the last 37 weeks, the very first one next to Mr.Uries desk. I'm a good student, straight A's and a bright future. But I don't need the front seat in his class to get an A, I always pay attention to him. He's a very good looking teacher, bright smile, perfect lips, and we have the same sense of humor.

"Morning class. Hope everyone expects a quiz today, I told you to study over the weekend."

Black vans, skinny jeans, kakis, and a fob shirt. He never has dressed sophisticated. It's adorable. How he walks is kinda goofy, I love it. He lays a quiz down on my desk and looks me in the eye with a smiling wink, resulting in a quiet shock when he yanked on my headphone.

"Quiz." he whispered, chuckling with a tolerable smirk.

"Whatever." I cracked back.

He laid out the quizzes on the other students desks and took a seat at his own. Very neat and well put together. Much like his personality.

"You may begin." he looks down and takes off his glasses, rubbing his eyes and brushing a hand through his hair. He looks up at me, meeting my stare and throwing me off into an embarrassing 'DROP YOUR HEAD SO YOU THINK HE DIDNT NOTICE' type feeling, and yeah I did just that. But after taking about 5 minutes to finish the quiz, I looked up and saw his beautiful brown eyes staring at me, then he himself got threw off into the same feeling except instead of only looking down he also grabbed his phone.

Staring at him, watching him replace his glasses to where they once were. Noticing his jaw movement and the tiny things he does that make me chuckle, like the one piece of hair that is always in his face and that perfect quiet laugh of his. He does it almost all the time, occasionally at me.

"Turn these in on your way out the door." he announces.

His voice. Oh how I love the sound of his voice. It's crafted by angels.

I approach his desk and lay my paper down only losing eye contact with him  when I needed to blink.

"What?" he laughs. Looking me up and down then smiling and leaning back, running his hand though his thick back hair.

"Go to class Liz." he laughs.

"Sure thing, Mr.TightPants."

I grab my bags to go, turning and watching as he still has a smile on his face from our last words. The thought still bringing one to my face.

"Have a good day Mr.Urie." I shout, watching a bigger smile approach and it leave as I turned the corner.

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