Chapter 3

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Another day of school went by. Everything was normal except The fact Mr.Urie was watching me all day. Coming into classes to talk to the teacher and saying hi before he would walk out. What was so weird about today was after school. I always ride the bus and when I got off at my house he was standing with a realtor in the house beside mine that was up for sale. Is my teacher gonna be my neighbor?

"Hey! Hey Liz!" I turn and see Mr.Urie waving his hand for me to come there.

"Yes. You moving in Mr.Urie?" I look down at my shoes with a glance at his, noticing he has the exact same pair.

"Yes, But please call me Brendon. As your new neighbor I want an 'outside the school' relationship." he smiles and wraps his hand around my shoulder.

"That sounds like fun. Well I'm gonna go do my homework." I awkwardly shake out of his hold and wave him away. Making my way up the steps and opening up the door.

What is going on? He is moving in bedside me and he wants a 'outside' relationship. He's been basically stalking me. How am I suppose to deal with this?

"What's for dinner?" I shout walking inside and taking a seat on the couch laying my papers across the coffee table and awaiting a reply from my mom.

"Hello." I shout again making my way I got he kitchen but all I found was a note.

'Mr.Urie is moving in next door so I left the door unlocked. I had to leave this morning to go to a meeting in Chicago. I'll be gone no more than 3-4 weeks. The weather down here is awful so i dont know when the next flight will take off coming home. Brendon will bring groceries over every week and I left money, a key, and Brendons house key on the counter for you to order food when you need, lock the door, and his in case of an emergency. Stay safe! I love you.'

She has left me in the hands of my teacher. Lovely. Mr.Urie ain't half bad.

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