Chapter 6

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**If you skip this chapter it won't hurt the storyline. But if you just want a tad bit of info then go ahead! ily  guys:))**

Well I'm officially in a relationship with my teacher, I'm making that sound awful, but it's been two days together and we've been doing really well. He still acts the same as he did before we started 'dating'. Same sense of humor, same smile, same Brendon, just less teacher. He makes me really happy from what I've felt the past few days.

"Shouldn't you go home? I have school tomorrow and you first period." Trying not to be rude but he's spent the night over here for the past 2-3 days. I just thought he needed to clean up his house or something.

"Do you want me to go? It might be too much for us to just jump right into this. I understand about the school thing too." He kisses me and grabs his shirt making his way to the door.

"Let me know when you want me to come back over? We can hang out tomorrow after school maybe." He smiles at me and runs back at me for another kiss.

"Go. Remember School tomorrow." I smile and my hand runs down his still shirtless body.

"Fine, I'm leaving. See you tomorrow beautiful." he jokes and kisses me once more, putting on his shirt and waving out the door.

I'm love struck, I had always dreamed he'd be mine. In all my fantasies he was my boyfriend and we were happy. But I never thought it would actually happen. He is my teacher, my gut says it's wrong but my heart is telling me we'll make it work out somehow. I just hope going with my heart is the right choice. I just don't want to be hurt.

I can't sleep. He is stuck on my brain. What if it's weird tomorrow and we make it awkward? What if everyone finds out and we can't be together, he loses his job even? So many things that could go wrong, I can't stop thinking about it and I'm gonna be up all night. I have school in less than 6 hours. Maybe I should skip tomorrow? That'll solve everything except the fact it'll ruin my perfect attendance record. I guess I'm dealing with this. I got to sometime.

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