Chapter 1

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If you were to tell me that I was to fall in love with a manservant, I would have scowled in your face. A manservant of all things were there mainly to clean the house and keep quiet. Never did I have an interest in such people, for my father always taught me that servants were to treat us as their leader, and if they didn't obey they were to be punished for it. My father strongly believed in this that he hardly even looked at the servants as they walked around in the house. Servants were to be ignored and stomped upon like nothing.

Sadly some of the servants weren't up to code as my father would like them to be. I was around 12 when one of the servants in my household had taken a piece of bread from the kitchen. I didn't see anything bad in that, for they don't necessarily get a lot of food to eat, but my father thought either wise. The last I saw of that servant, or any servant like her thereafter, was when my father was dragging her out the door. Probably leaving them all on the streets of England to starve or find other employment.

All my life my father would get himself a new batch of maids and manservants and then replace them once they disobeyed. I've seen so many of them come and go that I have lost count. It's crazy the amount of servants and manservants that we rich people have just to go about our day.

Everyone in my family had their very own personal servant. One to help them get dressed and prepare them for each day. It is nice having someone do these things for you, and yet it sucks because technically you can't do anything on your own. For as long as I can remember I've always had a servant help me get dressed every morning and every night. Embarrassingly enough I don't think I know how to dress myself let alone take care of myself.

My family is me, my mom and father. I have no siblings to share company with. Nor did I have any friends. Who needs them anyways, it's not like it would make my life any less boring. My day always results in getting woken up by my very efficient manservant, George, with a few small jokes about Brass here and there. I don't really know why he thinks there funny but he seems to talk about it every morning. I can't seem to talk him out of it. George then goes to my clothing closet and gets my assigned clothes for the day. A few minutes later I am dressed and ready for anything that this day brings.

"Thanks, that will be all for this morning, you may go now." I say, not giving him so much as a side glance as I leave my room, closing my bedroom door behind me.

My eyes look ahead as I see the wide hallway in front of me. The walls on each side were covered in pictures of past relatives in my family line. Personally I find it creepy, as if they are all staring at me as I walk down this hall every single day. But it's what my father wants so I won't question it. There is a long stretch of rug that goes all the way to the end of the hallway, making it seem more open than it actually was. Reaching the end of the hallway, I turn left and head down a nice small steep and yet sturdy staircase. My room had to be on the second floor of the house so I got the privilege of having to go up and down these stairs every day.

Coming to the main level I am greeted by some of the maids, hard at working to keep the house as clean as possible. They would all bow as I passed as if I was royalty. I kinda like this bit for it never really got old. My house still surprises me just how big it really is. I haven't really counted how many rooms there were in the building. I would guess 20 but, again I don't necessarily know for sure how many rooms there really are. I pass quite a few closed door room as I come towards the dining room to have my breakfast served to me by the Kitchen servants. I am greeted by my mother and father at the dining table, waiting for breakfast to be served.

Today was actually a very special day for me. For it was my 19th birthday. Every year on my birthday my father would always give me a big gift. I wonder what he is planning to give me this year. I go and sit down on the far right side of the table opposite to were my mother was sitting. Whereas my father sat at the head of the table. Just as I sit down my mother says a quick, "Happy birthday." To me and gives me a big smile. My father however stands up and turns around as if he was thinking about something. A few minutes pass and he finally turns around showing a big smile on his face.

"Son since it is your 19th birthday today I have a very special present for you." Says my father, as he goes back to sitting down at the head chair at the table, never taking his eyes off of my own.

"What is it father?" I ask, curiosity takes over me. What could he possibly give me that I don't already have? Besides, this is what he always say's on my birthday, word to word.

"Your present is your very own manservant." Says father, pretty happy with himself.


Alright guys, I hope you are enjoying this book so far. I am enjoying writing it. Please don't forget to Share/Vote/Comment on this book. I would also love the feedback!

I will post Chapter 2 once I find people truly are enjoying this book

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