Chapter 16

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(Merlin's POV)
It was late when I decided that scouting the hospital for the billionth time today was unsatisfying. I come back to the room where my body lay and find a lot of the people that were once here this morning were gone and replaced with new patients. The boy, oh what was his name, oh right Colin! He has all but left his bed, cured of whatever sickness he had and replaced with someone new.
Walking through the curtains to my closed area I see that Arthur is still here. I stay only because I had nothing better to do...
(Arthur's POV)
Night has fallen and I begin to fall asleep in the chair I sat at. All day I have been thinking of a way to tell Merlin that I love him and that I am sorry but I can't seem to find the words or how to say it.
"It's time to head back home Arthur." Says Anne helping me out of my chair for I was that tired.
"I-I need to tell Merlin how I feel." I say sleepy, trying to hold back when Anne helped me out of the room.
"You can tell Merlin tomorrow morning, I'm sure he can wait one more day." Says Anne as we leave.

I nod as Anne helps me as we head back home. Tomorrow, tomorrow will be the day I tell you how I feel!

The next day...
"Arthur where do you think your going?" Asks my father as I am about to head out to the hospital, which my father knows Nothing of.
"I'm going out into the woods father." I say opening the front door.
"Your not doing that today my son." states my father bring into view the stupid peice of paper my father calls important!
"Anything to get away from that." I say as I run out the door with my father calling my name in the background.
I didn't even wait for Anne to go to the hospital. This couldn't wait another minute. By the time I get to the hospital I'm huffing and puffing from running all the way there. The nurse at the front desk knew where I was going to I didn't need to tell her.

Coming to Merlins closed area I begin...

(Merlin's POV)
I was sitting on my bed when Arthur ran through the curtains. It surprised me and I fell back onto the floor. Sighing I sit up and I was about to leave when I heard Arthur speak.

"Hey prat , it's me Arthur.-" my mind interrupts him thinking "duh Arthur, I know who you are"
"-it's been a whole month and a few days now since that day. I know you must think me an idiot right now and I don't blame you." Arthur pauses to hold himself together. "What I said that day... That - that was dumb. I - I was confused and frustrated that you would leave your secret from me. I wasn't thinking and I hurt my best friend in the process." Arthur pauses yet again looking down at his now shaky hands and sighs.
"The truth is I care about you Merlin. Ever since you ran off I've been a wreck. On the first day you came to my place to become my manservant I was didn't know what to expect.  But seeing you at the front door I became amazed by you. I know now that it was love at first site... You heard me! I love you idiot! Your laugh, your smile-" Arthur smiles while saying that last part.
"-,the way you act when your embarrassed or mad, I love them all. Without you in my life I have nothing. I am so sorry I hurt you, it's my fault. Please don't die, I need you. Wake up prat!" Finishes Arthur as his emotions get let out, bawling uncontrollably.

All I could do was watch. I was beginning to tear up from Arthur's words. Arthur loves me? I question as my hatred for him decreases. I loved Arthur but I didn't know he did in return...

I begin to feel myself going into my laying body. Waking up I say "Please don't cry Arthur."
Alright here's another chapter! Only one more chapter to go!! Well either than the epilogue 😋. I hope you guys are enjoying this book! Please don't forget to comment and vote for this chapter 😋❤️

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