Chapter 12

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(Anne's POV)

By the time I get to the hospital it was night fall. Arthur could be worrying about where I was, but Merlin was my first priority.

It didn't take long before someone noticed Merlin's circumstance and comes to my help.

"I found him alone in a alley." I state, as the doctors take Merlin out of my arms and place him onto a rolling bed.

"Please save him!" I say, "He's a friend." I state, as I see Merlin taken.

"He'll be alright now miss, he is in safe hands." says a doctor, reassuringly.

I hope she's right.

(Arthur's POV)

"What is taking Anne so long?"I wonder as I am pacing in my room. It was past night fall and my father expects me to be sleeping but I can't. Sleeping isn't an option until I know Merlin is alright.

An hour has passed and I begin to go nuts. Where could Anne be!? I had thrown papers across my room unsure of what news Anne would bring.

Unsure as to when Anne would get back I decide to head out myself and look for both Anne and Merlin. That was until I saw Anne rush into my room.

Proud, I walk towards her with open arms, ready to hug her. We embrace, then she lets go slowly.

"I found Merlin." says Anne not taking her eyes off of mine.

"Where is he?"I say, realizing that if he was alright he would have been with Anne. Then I notice some blood on Anne's hands.

"Is that -" I start, placing my hand over my head, ready to pull my hair out.

"Arthur -" begins Anne.

"Is-Is he -" I start, beginning to get emotional and look away. Tears start to fall at the realization.

"Arthur, Arthur!" says Anne, taking me out of my trance and holding me. Making me face her while she talked.

"I brought him to the hospital." states Anne.

"What - what happened?" I ask, wiping my tears off my faces.

"When I found him I noticed that he had cuts along his arms-" starts Anne but she stops seeing the look on my face.

"Did Merlin cut himself?" I question myself. but before I could think more on that Anne interupts.

"Arthur, he didn't cut himself." says Anne.

"Then how did he-" I state.

"Merlin looked to have been attacked by a group of guys. Along his body he had bruises. A few cuts on his arms as I said, and seemed to may have a broken rib." states Anne."

"Either than that he's ok?" I ask.

"He's in safe hands Arthur. I'm sure he will be fine." says Anne.

"It's all my fault, It's all my fault!" I sob in Anne's arms.

"We will go check on him sometime tomorrow ok?" says Anne reassuringly, still holding me.

I nod in response. Thank goodness I got Anne to scout the city when I did... Or who knows if Merlin would still be alive.


Alright guys, here is another chapter :D I am so sorry it took me so long to publish this chapter. I hope you guys don't hate me. Anways, vote/Comment/Share!

- Lari

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