Chapter 8

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(Merlin's POV)

It's been a while since I used my magic. Since it was early in the morning I decide to do little fire sparks from my hands. Satisfied I turn around. Only to find a servant had happened to look into my room door window and saw me. She wasn't a servant I had seen much.

"Uh, it's not what you think!" I say quickly. Obviously it was magic dummy! I say in my head.

The servant ran into the hallway. Crap is all I could think. I run after the servant and find that she hadn't run to Uther, but Arthur. His room was open and I could see the servant had woken Arthur to tell him what she saw.

I get there just in time to hear her tell Arthur. "Merlin has magic!"

"Slow down, what do you mean Merlin has magic? There is no such thing as magic!" says Arthur, obviously confused.

I didn't notice that I had walked into view until Arthur looked straight at me for an explanation.

"What's this that this servant is telling me? Is it the type of joke a jester would do on my birthday??" says Arthur."

"Arthur I –" I guess there's no point in saying I don't now. "I—have magic Arthur."

"This isn't funny Merlin! Cut it out and tell me she's misjudged you!" yells Arthur now.

"I'm serious! Let me just show you—" I start but Arthur stops me short.

"Get out!" yells Arthur, pointing towards the door.

"What?!" I say crackly, feeling instantly hurt.

"I said get out you freak!" yells Arthur.

"A-Arthur?!" I begin to shake and tear up.

"You're my servant and you are not to call me by my name! Leave this house immediately!" Yells Arthur, never losing contact with me.

"I-I don't have anywhere to go!" I say, broken.

"I don't really care! Just get out of my sight!" yells Arthur.

"I know you car-" I start but am interrupted with Arthur slapping me hard on my face.

"OUT!!!!" Yells Arthur!

I run out of his room and out of the house as fast as I could. I was so broken and scared that I didn't really care to grab my things. How could he say those things? So what if I got magic?!?!?! I thought I could trust Arthur, I guess not!

I leave the house not looking back.


I am so sorry guys for ending this chapter like this! Anyways, Thank you so much for 400 views!! It made my day! lol that is why I published this chapter :D I hope you guys liked this chapter. Please vote and comment what you think so I know you are enjoying the book so far.

Idk how many more chapters there are left of this book, maybe 3-5 idk. But I know its getting close.

Hope to publish the next chapter sometime next week, depending on how many views/comments I get from now and then.

- Lari

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