Chapter 11

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(Anne's POV)

I have looked every place I could think of in the city that Merlin could be. The stores, restaurants, anywhere that he could have stopped by. Even asking if anyone had seen a person with his description. Sadly nothing.

"Where in the world are you Merlin?" I question, as I begin to run out of options to look. Surely there must be somewhere he could be. Then it clicked, the back alley. The moon was starting to rises in the sky and Merlin was no where in site. Suddenly, hearing something in the distance, I walk towards it. To my surprise it was Merlin.

"Merlin!" I yell, happy at first, but start to worry when I get closer.

"Merlin?!" I yell, worried and scared as I come in front of Merlin.

It was a miracle that I even found Merlin. His clothes were covered in dirt and mud and he seemed to blend into the ground because of it. Merlin's body lay limp so my first response was that I was too late, but then deciding to feel for a heart beat and I get one. Sighing I look at Merlin's situation.

Merlin was covered from head to toe of bruises. He had a few cuts on his arms. Worried, I pick up his arms to examine them. Some of the cuts were deep enough that they seemed to still be bleeding. Ripping a piece of my shirt , I begin to wrap it around the cuts to stop the bleeding.

"What did you get yourself into?" I say worried.

In the state that Merlin was in he could die from the loss of blood within the next few days.

"Not on my watch!"I state, as I start to pick up Merlin.

Merlin was alot lighter than I thought from seeing him. Having Merlin in my arms I decide to straighten him to make the load that much easier for me to carry him. One move and Merlin begins to scream of pain, even tho he's unconscious.

Placing him back down gently I examine Merlin some more. As I pull up Merlin's shirt, the source was clear. Merlin seems to maybe have a broken rib. His left side was swollen around the rib area and he had bruises up and down his stomach. Poor Merlin.

Picking up Merlin yet again, but more carefully this time, I head towards the hospital.

"Ok Merlin, everything is going to be ok. I'm going to take you to the hospital and the doctor's are going to fix you up." I say, as I carry him away from the dark alley and towards the hospital.


Alright guys, here is another chapter of my Merlin book. I hope you guys are enjoying this book so far so please comment and vote, that would make my day. Thanks to all who have done so so far. I continue to write this book because of you guys so thanks so much! Anyways, the next chapter will be published within the next few days so be ready for that.

- Lari

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