Chapter 5

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(Arthur's POV)

As the maids come with our breakfast my mind runs wild with different possibilities as to how to get food to Merlin. When the maids were done bringing the food, they stand against the wall awaiting our need of more water and or more food. We were given a serving of toast, bacon, and eggs. And a side of homemade rolls.


It had been a few minutes since we were served food, and I can't seem to think of a way to sneak food into my pockets without my father and or mother noticing. My dad was blabbing about responsibilities now that I am 19 and all sorts of boring nonsense. I would nod and smile as he talked but I didn't really pay attention. I was more interested in Merlin's hunger right now. Sadly my father knew me too well and called out to me, making me jump.

"Um what?" I ask, not really knowing what he asked of me.

"What's wrong with you boy? It's like your mind is somewhere else this morning." States my father, halfway through eating his food.

"I-I- Got a lot on my mind that's all." I say.

My father sighs, then shrugs and continues talking about nonsense. It was around the time me and both my parents were almost done eating did I see the perfect opportunity to snatch some food into my pocket. My father was talking angrily to one of the servants about not serving us correctly that he was not really paying much attention to me or my mother. So I took this opportunity and grabbed a couple of rolls from the table and some bacon and stuffed it into my pocket. It's not much but it will do. Once I was allowed to leave I ran straight towards the basement to give Merlin the food. Getting to the cell I find Merlin fast asleep.

"Merlin?" I whisper, waking him up as he slowly gets up, moaning at the slightest of movements. Also the chains moved as he did.

"Here," I stay as I reach into my pocket. "I got you some food."

Merlin takes it and devours it in minutes. I've never seen someone so hungry before, I kinda felt bad for the boy. After he finished eating he said, "Thanks."

"Your welcome." I say, happy I could help. "I got to go before my father wonders where I went." I say, sad I have to leave merlin.

"Ok, see you around then." Says Merlin, giving me a nice smile.

I smile back before heading back upstairs and heading outside to think. Just before I get to the front door my mother catches me.

"Hey Arthur, don't forget there is going to be a big celebration here tomorrow to celebrate your birthday."

"Yes I know, woopie!" I say, throwing my hands up in the air dramatically.

"Oh come on Arthur, perk up. Everyone is going to be coming for you and you only." Says my mother.

"Yah, everyone is going to stare at my every move and watch me till I pass out from drinking too much. What fun!" I say, annoyed.

"Arthur, you better pull yourself together." Says my mother.

"Whatever. I need some fresh air." I say, as I head out the front door.

Tomorrow is going to be awesome NOT!


Everyone from everywhere came to my house. It was packed and I didn't like it at all. I saw Merlin standing awkwardly in the corner of the now crowded banquet hall. As I walk towards him it seemed he became less tense in the shoulders, I guess that's good.

"So my father let you out did he?" I ask, slightly punching him on the shoulder.

"Ow what was that for?" asks merlin, slightly rubbing his shoulder.

"Idk." I say, feeling awkward now.

"So this is all for your birthday huh?" says Merlin, smiling now.

"Yah... you kinda were my birthday present." I say, laughing now.

"What seriously?" says Merlin, now laughing with me.

"I'm beginning to like my birthday present." I say, smiling.

"I guess I should get serving people before your father screams at me." Says Merlin.

"ha ha yah I guess you should." I say, as I watch Merlin limp away, obviously still feeling the pain from his bruises.


Me, my father, and mother were sitting at a grand table in a separate room as the banquet hall. Everyone gathered for food. The table was packed with people, I don't know why my father intended for so many people to attend. It gives me a headache just to think of me having to be introduced to everyone sometime this evening.

Merlin was against the wall holding a jug of water and a tray of assorted foods. He seemed to struggle with holding his posture but he seemed to be handling it ok, for now.

As usual my father was blabbering about nonsense, most likely all about me. Everyone was quiet and awaited there turn of talking. I for one found this the most boring birthday dinners ever. My father would look towards me from time to time and I would then straighten up more in my seat and look to be paying more attention. At the corner of my eye I see someone in need of food, and I see Merlin walk towards them. Just as I hoped wouldn't happen, Merlin accidentally tripped on the rug. Ending up getting food on himself, as well as the person he was trying to serve too. By instant the man slaps Merlin across the face, making him fall to the floor.

"Take this boy out for a whipping! That will teach him to learn some manners!" yells my father to one of his bodyguards.

No sooner did he say this, did Merlin get dragged outside. Everyone in the room then continued their annoying chatter as if nothing happened. Whereas I for one could hear my manservant yelling in the distance.


Alright guys, wow 101 views!! I know it's not much but I'm happy anyways. I feel so bad for making Merlin get hurt so much! I'm sorry I've been slow in the updates lately! I really hope you guys are enjoying this book so far. If you did please give it a comment and plz vote! It would mean a lot to me if you did.

- Lari

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