Chapter 10

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(Merlin's POV)

My week has been great! I'm back to the days where I didn't get much food and in the situation that no one loved me. It's not like Arthur loved me, we were just friends that's it. I slept in a dark alley with nothing to keep me warm at night. Maybe I deserve this type of living. A-Arthur did call me a freak. Maybe living like a freak is my only choice.

The first thing I did after leaving A-Arthur's place was to the orphanage. I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe they would take me back. I should have just never even considered going.Considering it would have worked if the stupid boys weren't there to ruin the plan.

As I was walking to the door of the orphanage the gang of boys that used to bully me in the orphanage but always got stopped by my mistress came walking by.

"Now if it isn't big ears!" says the leader of the boys gang.

I say nothing, knowing what was to come next.

They didn't stop this time. The mistress didn't have control of me this time around. Even I started to plee they didn't stop. I welcomed the pain tho. They could see that so they continued. Right before I blacked out I felt them pick me up and carry me away.Only to wake up later in a dark alley in bad shape. I've been in this dark alley since. They must have beat me up good because I couldn't get up without feeling major pain allover. Just trying to use my magic hurt.

Know one loves me. no one cares about me. Maybe I should just give up trying to survive when there isn't much hope of surviving. Life is hell right now so why stay? I'm done...

I don't know how long I lay there till I was found. One of the servants of Arthur's happened to be walking in town. Frankly I don't care. A-Arthur is dead to me. Welcoming sleep I let my body go limp, hearing footsteps in the distance.

- The next day -

(Arthur's POV)

"Arthur pay attention!--" yells my father, trying to get my attention.

We were having a party, for what seems like the 100th party with year. My father feels that my outburst was rewarding. Personally I would go out looking for Merlin. I've felt horrible since Merlin left. I need to make things right before something happens to Merlin. If Merlin were hurt it would be on my hands for I kicked him out. I would have thought more but was forced out of my thoughts by a punch on the shoulder.

"-- Arthur you with us?" states my father.

"Ah yah." I say lying.

"Now back what we have planned for my son Arthur-- blah blah blah blah." starts my father but I then zone him out for I could care less as to what he is saying.

I knew my father was still talking but I felt I needed to leave the room. I couldn't take this anymore!

"So--- hey Arthur sit back down, I'm not done talking." states my father, pointing at my seat I was just sitting at.

"No father. I need some air!" I yell, throwing my arms up in the air then to my sides. Without looking back I head out of the dining room.

I knew that I wasn't going to just run out into the city to find Merlin. My father wouldn't allow it. So after considering this, I asked one of my maids to go scout the city and find Merlin. I need to tell him i'm sorry. I can't take it anymore!

"Hey Anne." I say to one of the workers in the kitchen. She was one of the maids I come to get to know, for she would give me food snacks without my father knowing.

"Could you go out into the city and find Merlin for me?" I ask kindly.

"You care about this boy?" says Anne smiling.

"I- I guess I do." I blush. Funny, I never thought about it till now. I do feel something towards Merlin. Is it love??

"I'll do it for you Arthur. I can see how much you do care for him." she says smiling.

I watch her leave the house thinking to myself, Merlin please hang in there. I'm going to make things right. You'll see.


Alright I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote for this chapter! I love to see all your feed back on this book. It helps me keep working on this book. Thanks to all who have done so for the other chapters! This chapter is for you guys! Anyways I really do hope you all enjoyed this chapter. The next one will come soon hopefully. Until then.

- Lari

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