Chapter 4

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(Arthur's POV)

The next morning I wondered what my father actually intended on doing to my new manservant. I don't even know his actual name and I'm already getting him into trouble. I could hardly sleep last night. It is weird for me because I never really ever had a hard time sleeping. While I'm in my thoughts, my old manservant comes into the room, meaning my father must have beat him badly. Great my new manservant is going to be absent for his first day at work.

"Your manservant won't be with you today." Says George, after bowing and then heading towards my closet to pick out my clothes.

After George helped me get my clothes on I head out of my bedroom and downstairs towards the dining room for some breakfast. Before I make it there however, I decide to go check on my manservant. I don't know what it is but I have a sort of a connection towards him. As I come to the basement door I hesitate, but then open it and head down the stairs. My manservant was the only one down here so it wasn't hard to find him. He didn't look too overly beaten but I did see a few slashes from what seems to be from a whip and maybe a few bruises along his arms and probably his sides. He was asleep at the moment and I found him to be so adorable when he sleeps... wait why did I just think that? I was beginning to feel uncomfortable so I turn around to head back upstairs when I hear him stur.

"Hello?" says my manservant. I hear chains moving as my manservant moved around.

It surprised me so I jumped a little but then turned around and decided to reply. "Uh, hello there."

"My names Merlin by the way. I guess we didn't get a proper introduction." Says Merlin, smiling a little bit, obviously trying to look tough in his situation.

"Well I'm Arthur. Nice to finally know your name Merlin." I reply, happy I have a name to this face.

"Nice to meet you Arthur.  Not prying or anything but your different than your father." Perks up Merlin. Sitting now, with his knees up and his arms around them.

"Yah well, my father's ways of treating his servants are wrong." I say, proud to finally be able to tell someone this.

Suddenly Merlin's stomach started to growl.

"Did you eat anything yesterday?" I ask, worried all of a sudden.

"No, not really. Not since I was at the orphanage. And out of excitement I kinda forgot to eat yesterday." Says Merlin, now rubbing his stomach.

"I'll get you some food." I blurt out. Wow this boy, er Merlin, must be something if I am willing to risk getting in trouble with my father for some food.

"Really? Thanks." Says Merlin smiling as big as ever.

"I'll be back with something. Stay here." Suddenly regretting the moment I said it, "You know what I mean." Merlin nods in response and then I head back up the stairs. How am I going to get the food to Merlin without my father knowing? I guess I'll have to think about that some more during breakfast.


Alright guys, first i would like to apologize for the major wait. I kinda forgot to publish, oops. I really hope you guys liked this chapter anyways. I will try to get chapters published sooner than 6 days in between but we shall see. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! It would mean a lot, thanks.

- Lari

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