Chapter 2

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(Arthur's POV)

"Father I already have my own manservant, George." I say confused with my father.

"You've had him for a while now and I thought you could use a new servant since you're turning 19." Replies my father.

A sigh of relief comes out of my mouth just thinking about not hearing anymore brass jokes. "Thanks father! What company did you get this guy from?"

"Just some orphanage a few blocks back. I thought since he had no one he would give us respect and treat you well." Says my father.

"It will definitely be a change." Yet another servant to have waltz into my life, great.

"He'll be here at around supper time. For that was as early as I could take him." Says my father, looking very serious in the face.

No sooner did he say this did the maids come with our breakfast.

(Servant's POV)

It was early in the morning when my head mistress told me I was to be leaving this hell hole soon. I was in my room packing whatever stuff I had, which wasn't much, when one of the orphan boys decide I'm a good punching bag. Ever since I first came to this orphanage, which must have been when I was very young, for I don't remember living anywhere else but here, I have been picked on for I am the youngest and weakest in the whole orphanage. They always bug me and call me names. I could take them all out with just one word if I wanted to, but that would give away my big secret. You see I was born with magic. For as long as I can remember I was able to use it. I can feel the magic pumping through my veins like blood. It is a gift in yet a curse, for I can't really ever use it without getting myself caught. For all we know I could get killed for being whom I am. Sometime I wish I didn't have magic, for it never really used it much. What's the point in having magic but can't ever use it.

"So you're finally leaving us huh big ears?" says one of the orphans, after they had stopped punching me.

I say nothing so I don't get too worked up and start using my magic uncontrollably.

"Oh common, nothing?" states the orphan boy, giving me a few more punches in the face and stomach.

I grunt and wince but that was all I gave them. They can have all the fun they want with me now but I'll be out of here soon.

It was around super time that I saw a carriage outside the orphanage. I rush to the front entrance, not forgetting what little supplies I had, and run out the front door. There were two people in front of the carriage. The first was my head mistress and the other was a tall man that looked to me to being the not so friendly type. The two were talking amongst each other as if I wasn't even there.

"Hello? Guys I'm here." I say trying to get their attention.

The man looks at me, then the mistress, then back to me. Walking towards me he then slaps me across the face.

"You listen here boy. You belong to me now and you are to show some respect. I am your leader and you will be quiet and do what is tell of you!" yell the man, showing no sympathy in his face at all as he talked.

Suddenly I don't want to leave the orphanage. I look towards the mistress, she looked at me with a sorry face. My life couldn't get any worse? Turning back towards the carriage. I see the man sitting there scowling at me.

"You are to sit in this carriage and not say a word!" yells the man. I nod and quickly get into the carriage. This is going to be a long ride.

(Arthur's POV)

My father just left to go get my special manservant. I don't know why he would get me a new one, like seriously who really cares. But I guess my father find this to be a big deal so I'll go with it for now. My mother and I were in the living room waiting patiently. The living room was a nice open room with a nice fireplace at the end of the room, Centered perfectly against the wall. Couches were against each side wall and in the center of the room facing the fireplace. A coffee table was between what space was between the fireplace and the couch. A nice Bouquet in the center of the table. My mother loved to design, so every room in this house was designed by hers truly.

"You know that since your 19 now your father will want you to be more responsible at the balls that we go to every Sunday." Says my mother.

"But mother, those balls are so boring! Everyone talks amongst themselves. And by the end of the day you will have either eaten or drank too much to walk." I reply, just thinking of it making me feel sick to my stomach.

"Arthur, it's your responsibility to this household to start to act more like an adult and start to take over. You never know how long until your father isn't around anymore." Says my mother, looking down as she finishes.

"Mother don't rush me into such responsibilities. I can't just be jumped into such a lifestyle." I say, getting up from the couch and out of the living room.

"Arthur—"starts Mother but she doesn't finish for I was already out of the room and heading back up the stairs to my bedroom.


Alright here is another chapter :D I really hope you guys are enjoying this book so far. If you did please vote for this chapter and give a nice comment in. I love seeing the feedback and it helps me know you guys are liking it. So anyways, next chapter will be published within the next few days so you guys know.


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