4. I'm Glad My Misfortunes Amuse You

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I'm looking in the mirror at myself. El has dressed me in jean shorts, a white Rolling Stones T-shirt, orange vans, and she has French braided my hair down my back. She applies light make up, eyeliner on top and light eye shadow almost matching my skin tone with mascara.

"You look gorgeous." She smiles at me from behind. "Do you know where he is taking you?"

I shake my head no. "What time is it?"

"5:55." We walk down the stairs into the entry hall and I lean against the wall.

"He should be here shortly." I bit my lip and as if on cue the doorbell rings. El and I do a little scream so he won’t hear it and El leaves the hall. I sigh and open the door revealing Harry clad in black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

“You look beautiful.” He smiles down at me. I’m pretty tall for a girl but Harry towers over my 5’8 frame.

“You look dashing as well.” He holds out his hand and I take it walking out the door and shutting it. We walk to his black Range Rover and I look at him confused. “Thought you had an Audi?”

“I do, this is also mine.”

“Oh.” What is with the guys I hang around and cars. I don’t even own one because Louis has about eight so I borrow his so there’s no point in me getting one.

He opens the door for me, helps me climb in before shutting the door and walking to the driver’s side. “Quite the gentlemen aren’t we?” I raise an eyebrow and he just shrugs winking at me. He starts the car and drives off. “So where are you taking me?”

“Not telling you.”

“Are you showing me where you kill people?” I ask joking.

“What?! No.” He tenses and furrows his eyebrows.

“It’s a joke, Harry lighten up.” I push his shoulder and he relaxes.

About halfway there Harry reaches behind my seat and pulls out a single red rose and hands it to me without saying anything.

I gasp and lay it across my lap. “It’s beautiful, Harry, thank you.” I smile up at him and he looks pleased.

Once we arrive at the secret location Harry opens my door for me and helps me down. I look around excited to see where we are. “Yay! You took me to a vacant lot!”

Harry chuckles at my sarcasm but glares at me playfully. “I didn’t want you to see it before we got there now come on.” He puts his arm around my shoulder and we begin walking. Harry puts his hand over my eyes before we get there but I hear music so I begin thinking where we are. A concert maybe? No I hear too much chatter. Before I can think of anything else Harry removes his hand from my face and before me is an amusement park complete with rides and games. “Wow.”

“Is this okay?”

“Yeah it’s great! I haven’t been to one since I was a little girl.” Which causes his face to light up.

“Well come on then.” He walks forward reaching back to grab my hand. “What should we ride first?”

“Hmm..” I look around at the options. “That one!” I see a ride that goes up into the air and then free falls down.

“After you.”

We wait in line for a short bit before we get on the ride.

“If you get scared you can hold my hand.” He tells me from his seat next to me.

“Me scared?” I scoff.

The ride begins slowly rising until we can literally see the whole park look very tiny. I reach over to Harry grabbing his hand not because I’m sacred but more for the feeling of protection. The ride jolts to a stop and I know what’s next. The fall. I don’t scream but I close my eyes until the ride is stopped and we’re safely back on the ground with my stomach still in the air.

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