Chapter 14: Dark Harvest

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"Born as Princes, only one will rule over many.

Another a soldier, the last a most humble fisher.

Yet when they understand their fate, they will cast old lives aside.

They shall be reborn as Raveners and Warriors, beings of Power.

Destroyers of their enemies.

Lions among sheep, eagles among crows."

- from Cephanon's 'Ruminations', ch. 5 

Captain Tashan of the Ge'e Darian Blacks was normally a very patient and reasonable man. His native disposition, combined with strenuous Black training, made him so. But that training, as rigorous as it was, didn't prepare him to deal with a very irate Ironstorm queen, who had no intention of cooperating with her captors. That irritation had grown with every league beyond Drell's Gap, as had her reluctance to cooperate. Until today, where it peaked with such ferocity, Tashan wondered if they would live long enough for their commander to reach them and begin the ransoming process for her.

Sighing deeply as he felt the end of his patience rapidly approach yet again, he glanced down at the wooden tray of food he held covered with a light cloth against the late day heat of spring in Kiersee Reach.

"Your Majesty, please," he began again, barely managing to stifle a sigh of exasperation. He looked up at the beautiful, bronze-haired woman that sat on a low stool by the window, only partially hidden by the plain, non-descript pale brown dress she wore. Her bright blue eyes, thankfully, weren't boring holes through him as they usually were, focused instead out the window and across the square at the fountains dancing at its center.

"You must eat. To keep up your strength!"

The woman didn't look around to answer in a cool, dry voice.

"Thank you but no, captain. I've no appetite."

"But, my lady, you haven't eaten in days!" Tashan sputtered in protest. "When General Grimnor arrives, he'll find you in very ill health!"

"Frankly I hope your great general is caught by his master's demons and skinned alive," Jeorgina hissed tautly, again without turning away from the window. Tashan felt the muscles in his jaw ripple with frustration at the acid-filled retort. It was a refrain he had heard frequently in the last few Watches. Letting another sigh whistle free of his nostrils, he paused a moment as he considered whether to attempt to persuade the beautiful woman to change her mind.

Before he could take a step, or say a word, there came a light tap on the door.

"Yes?" The Black officer hissed, oddly relieved to be saved the decision, if only for a moment.

"Beg pardon, sir, but I've brought you your evening meal," replied a muffled voice from the other side of the sturdy black oak door, entrance to their rented set of rooms.

Tashan frowned as his eyes tracked down of their own accord to the wooden tray still in his hands. He had ordered the meal from the inn's cook herself.

"I've ordered no such meal," he growled, eyes narrowing with suspicion. Had the Usurper discovered their hiding place?

"Please, sir, don't be angry," the voice pleaded from the other side of the door, obvious fear coloring his tone. "I'm only a servant, following my master's orders."

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