Dark Discovery

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The sun was dipping into the western sea by the time a thoughtful Ciradaan returned to his billet at the house of Hendris. After sending his escort of Ben'havid away with a nod, the gray uniformed soldiers accompanying each leader as they made their way from Palace Hill, he turned back to the door. With not a few things passing through his mind, he opened it and stepped in. Once inside, Ciradaan made his way directly to Hendris' study. 

Where, much to his surprise he found KeLarion sitting at Hendris' desk of honeywood writing a letter with parchment and quill.

<<KeLarion! What are you still doing up?>>

<<Your Majesty,>> the veteran warrior began, making to stand in respect before Ciradaan quickly indicated he stay put with a gesture. <<I'm taking a brief moment to write a letter to my wife. Merikas indicated that there's a steady secret courier service running between Elvenfast and the southern kingdoms so I thought I'd write her. I'd like Shellan to know I'm all right.>>

<<A wise decision,>> Ciradaan noted absently as he slumped into an overstuffed leather chair. <<I should pen one for my wife as well. I'm sure she's getting a bit worried after all this time.>>

KeLarion paused in his writing as his keen eyes quickly spotted the tenseness in Ciradaan's uneasy posture and the deepened worry lines in his face.

<<You appear troubled, your Majesty. Did the discussion with the other leaders not go well?>>

<<Well enough, I suppose,>> Ciradaan replied after a thoughtful pause, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he went over the impromptu meeting the leaders of the companies that chose the Light had, that afternoon.

<<Between us, we managed to hammer out a number of treaties ending the various hostilities existing in the southern kingdoms, establish training camps for unified militaries in preparation for the Return and create enclaves for the dark elves to have a more permanent presence in the Sovun'chul. Additionally we developed a plan of attack to deal with the tumult of the approaching Diaspora, including emergency protocols, military situational tactics and communication imperatives governing who talks to whom in the event the tent falls into the fire. And we managed to agree to rebuild the Healers' city of Pelivar in preparation for the hurt the elven people will experience at the Return.>>

KeLarion was astonished.

<<Why, that's magnificent, your Majesty!>> he declared. <<You and your fellow leaders have done what a generation of diplomats failed to in the southern kingdoms. And you've created a plan of preparation and unity against what could prove to be the most dangerous time for all elvendom. What in that brings you dissatisfaction and concern?>>

<<Because none of it will get off the ground, if we don't leave this city alive,>> Ciradaan grimly reported, earning a stunned look from KeLarion.


Abruptly filled with too much nervous energy to stay still, the white haired king of Aquila burst out of the chair and jerkily paced across the room. As he walked, he explained.

<<Along with their pledges of alliance, Kordin of the dark elves and Nagdrasil with her fellow wild leaders, confirmed what Merikas said was the reason for our escort this morning. Both dark and wild elves were attacked last night. According to our Master of the Silver Flame, his warriors tracked a number of shadow creatures making their way through the city; beasts they could've sworn had risen from the Empire's breeding pits, so evil were their souls. A handful of those hunts ended in armed confrontation with some of these creatures, resulting in three dark elves receiving critical wounds.>>

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