Chapter 32: Shadow within Shadows

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"It isn't the enemy arrayed against you,

facing you with great power in arms,

That you should fear. Instead it is the one,

Who strikes from out of the Shadows,

Stabbing you where you are most vulnerable,

Where you cannot see or anticipate.

Guard against these and you will not fail!"

- from Festus' 'Battles at Fin Nesilan', ch.2

It was a curious sensation, passing through the portal. It wasn't like Ciramax was abruptly snatched from one place to be deposited in another. Nor was it like stepping from one room to another. Instead it was a strange, delayed journey with a curiously disturbing pause in its midst.

Ciramax had to fight the urge to shiver as he felt the portal's threshold pass over his body as he passed through it, a wave of cool energy that danced on his skin for a deliciously long moment. And then he was through into some strange between place, filled with light, motion and sound almost too much for his mind to comprehend. 

Luckily it didn't have to, since he didn't remain in that place for long. His momentum carrying him forward, the wiry prince was through the in-between place and across a second threshold before he found himself standing on solid ground. Little did he know it was solid ground that lay well over 100 leagues from where they had entered the portal; 100 leagues in less time than it took for a heart to make one beat.

<<It would have to be raining here too, wouldn't it,>> Xanedra groused as she stepped beyond the portal's threshold into the surging downpour that was hammering the land on its other side.

<<I think there's more to this rain, Xan,>> Bentain noted as he took a quick look around from beneath the brim of his hood. <<It doesn't smell or taste like rain in the Landshawl.>>

<<You're right, Lord Bentain,>> KeLarion noted, his expression thoughtful as he caught a handful of the rain in an outstretched hand before lifting it to his lips to cautiously taste.

<<There's salt in this water, and salt in the air. We must be very close to the sea for it to lay so thickly about us.>>

<<Half a league, to be exact.>> Ramalon pointed out as he stepped out of the rain to greet the Aquilans and the wild elf bards with a nod and a smile. <<It rains heavily in the spring this close to the coast. You've traveled over 100 leagues in just an instant's time.>> He paused to make a sweeping gesture. 

<<Welcome to the lands of Elvenfast. The Voice extends their greeting and bids you make haste to the city where they await your arrival. It's a short trek along the highway behind me, which runs past the portal mouth and continues to the northwest. The dark elves have already begun the journey. If you make haste, you may yet catch them.>>

<<You're not coming with us, Ramalon?>> Ciramax asked as, with a nod of acknowledgment, the wild elves set off into the rain in the direction Ramalon pointed for the highway, shoulders hunched against the downpour.

The diminutive elf smiled as he shook his head.

<<I must wait for the rest to pass through the portal so I can direct them towards the city, Ciramax of the Eagle clan. Only after the last have come through, will I put my own feet to this road and make my way to Elvenfast.>>

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