Once More to the Hill

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As the lean king's guard began his hunt for KeLarion in the labyrinth that was Elvenfast's Healers' complex, Larengor was standing in the high king's council chamber. This time there was no cha'sect, no thump of protocol and procedure to precede the master cleric as he solemnly leaned forward, hands on the council table, only grim purpose.

<<My friends,>> he began, <<this is certainly not how we envisioned the end of your visit with us taking place. However, we can no longer put at risk those we invited as friends and guests by having them remain in Elvenfast in a situation as volatile and dangerous as the city has become. Therefore, we'll move swiftly to reach a conclusion this evening. Councilor Darkfin?>>

The blocky Merisin councilor stood and, after a nod to the lean master of the council, who then sat, he began to speak.

<<As you are aware, friends and guests, two matters were left outstanding from our last meeting. We, as a council, sat down and discussed both these matters at length. With the understanding that the Diaspora, which, by the events transpiring this evening, seems to be in its beginning, is the next step in the Utterance, we examined both the question concerning the Weapons of Power and the bridging to the humans.>>

Darkfin paused there to clear his throat.

<<With regards to the Weapons of Power, we concur with the suggestion put forth by Ciradaan of Aquila. Created as intelligent weapons to assist their Wielders in battle, the Weapons of Power have chosen to remain hidden until their Wielders are ready for them. Therefore the council has decided not to undertake any expedition to search for and recover the Weapons, trusting they will reveal themselves to the Wielders they've chosen at the proper time.>>

Again the solid-looking Merisin councilor paused to take a quick look down along the council table.

<<That beings said, the council has determined that an expedition into the chaos of human-held lands is necessary to discover the whereabouts of the Wielders themselves in anticipation of creating an embassy to bring the Utterance to human awareness.>> A faint smile touched the broad Merisin elf's lips for a brief moment then, once again, he was stolidly sober.

<<While our colleagues from Hydrai and Uepolua did raise valid points about our lack of solid intelligence on the humans, we feel a fact-finding mission mated with the search for the Wielders would build a foundation for our future embassy. Our operatives have revealed the largest of the human kingdoms, and the largest fragment remaining from the Cadremoor alliance, now stands under rule by the House of Ironstorm. This ancient and powerful House, the greatest and eldest of the human Houses, formed by the First Human Aecalyx during the time of the First Alliance is, as we heard, the origin of the Wielders of prophecy.>>

<<In their reports, our operatives indicate tension, mistrust and unrest exist in the wake of a recent civil war, with rebel elements in the west fighting against the central government located at the old Cadremoor provincial capital. Although our operatives didn't bear direct witness to the event, they revealed an ambush along one of the primary highways transecting the country has fractured the ruling family. Involved in that ambush were sons of Ironstorm and currently their whereabouts are unknown.>>

The broad elf squared his shoulders.

<<It is our intention to use the current level of chaos within the country to locate the lost sons of Ironstorm and return them to the ruling House, both as a gesture of good will and to initiate a dialogue with the intent of forming a new alliance. At the same time, we hope to determine the level of awareness within the human community of the Utterance with the intent of beginning efforts to educate the Wielders on their fated destinies.>>

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