Final Decisions

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<<Unfortunately, this isn't the only attack tonight, your Majesty,>> the Lithosin captain in the uniform of the city's Home Guard reported to a frowning Ciradaan, a look of sympathy on his chiseled features. Behind him the Aquilan monarch could see a squad of soldiers, both in Home Guard and Ben'havid uniforms, exiting Hendris' house, carrying two covered bodies on stretchers. They belonged to Hendris and his wife, both killed by the assassins that attacked the Aquilans.

<<A number of other groups like your's, visitors to the city, were attacked and a good number slain.>>

Ciradaan, one hand holding the sheathed Sword of Aesthegon and the other clenched impotently at his side, grimly nodded as he stood beside the captain, still dressed in his night clothes. Assuming the attacks were fomented by Gerumenum, and who else would want to, it was as they feared; the rogue cleric had seen the opportunity to strike at the embassies before the final council meeting and had done so, levying heavy casualties. He only hoped the other Sovun'chul companies hadn't suffered similar losses.

<<You've our thanks for your assistance at this early turn in the morning, captain,>> he acknowledged the Home Guard's speedy arrival after Bentain ran to alert them. The patrol had reached the house only a few tics later, swiftly followed by a squad of Ben'havid.

<<And for getting our wounded to your Healers as quickly as possible. If we hadn't moved them immediately, I think we'd be carrying out three more bodies beneath sheets.>>

<<There's no doubt of that.>> The captain nodded in agreement. <<Your one man looked badly beaten, another stabbed, while the third suffered both wounds and stermid stings. Not even a strong man can survive a stermid sting, little yet a handful of them. But, somehow your man managed.>> He shook his head in amazement. <<The Maker was watching over him there.>> He then addressed Ciradaan directly once more. <<Since our Healers are some of the best in the land, Majesty, all three should be right as rain in a few turns.>>

The officer paused to look back at the house.

<<In the meantime, sire, I suggest you and your remaining people try to sleep. We've doubled the patrols in this area and the city guard has moved into a state of high alert.>> He indicated the distant bulk of Nazahn Suur, now brightly lit with dozens of watch fires. <<The city's fortresses have also been placed in a state of readiness. No unauthorized persons will be able to move through the city for the rest of the night without the guard knowing about it.>> He turned to smile reassuringly at Ciradaan.

<<You should be absolutely safe from this point on.>>

<<That's my hope, captain. Our thanks again for your timely and speedy assistance.>>

The officer bowed his head in acknowledgement and moved to join the Ben'havid officer in command of the Var Ethisdil soldiers now working with the Home Guard to secure the perimeter. The rest of the soldiers were now exiting the house after making a security sweep through the rooms to insure no other attackers, or stermids were left behind in hiding. The bodies of the assassins KeLarion and Bentain managed to kill, as well as Elise's cold form, were already well gone, on their way to a nearby barracks where they would be examined for clues and identification.

<<Have the guards finished with their sweep, sire?>> Elis rumbled from just behind the frowning monarch as the big Lithosin approached. Ciradaan bobbed his head in the affirmative.

<<They're done. And so are we, general,>> he tightly declared. <<With a powerful enemy working towards our destruction, we need to get us out of here as quickly as possible. I've already seen my own son bleeding in my arms this night, as well as the captain of my personal guard and my finest warrior given grievous hurt. I'll sacrifice no other Aquilan to see the Utterance unfold in this place. Not until we've returned to Aerlorn and the center of our strength.>> He turned to look hard at the brawny Lithosin, the fires of anger and grim determination blazing in his eyes.

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