Chapter 33: A Prophecy

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"I write this missive, in the vain hopes it will survive the darkness.

We watched the demons slaughter Sa'an like cattle in the square.

And the last lord of the city close the gate with magic.

Ramnor now groans beneath the weight of the Shadow.

So we gathered the child C'non to us and fled.

Fled to the mountains to await the prophecy's fulfillment.

May the Maker have mercy on us all."

- from the records of the Var Ethisdil  

The Aquilans as one, took an astonished step back. This was the master of the Var Ethisdil? Seeing the astonishment, naked on the Eagle clansmen's faces, Larengor's smile broadened slightly.

<<Please, if you would be so kind as to follow me, my friends, I'll lead you through the city and to where you'll be staying while here.>>

Leaving Leftenant Mordrin and their Ben'havid escort behind, the knot of bemused Aquilans followed the lean cleric as he strode confidently towards the gate. It didn't take long for Ciramax's question about how the soldiers of the city would react to their presence, to be answered.

<<Gae'tha Larengor.>> An officer standing near a dug in bunker serving as the guardhouse just to the right of the gates, stepped forward to crisply salute.

<<What brings the Var Ethisdil and the Ben'havid down to the main gates? I wasn't aware of any special event ordered for the approach this morning.>>

<<An experiment, captain,>> Larengor smoothly replied with a nod of thanks for the officer's respect. <<One we didn't know would succeed until we saw our visitors appear on the south highway this morning. Because of that, we hesitated to alert the Home Guard to the possible presence of these good people visiting our city.>> He drew a folded sheet of parchment sealed with the stylized leaf of the Var Ethisdil crest from somewhere inside his cloak. With no hesitation he handed it to the officer, who immediately broke the seal and opened it to read its contents.

<<However, if you forgive the lateness of the news, I'll rectify that now.>> Two more folded parchments appeared from within the cleric's cloak.

<<If you would have one of your soldiers bear this missive to Lord Commander Finayan, and this to Governor Tosseda, I would be most thankful. They will inform your commander and the lord of the city as to our designs. We can hold here to wait for their response, if you like.>>

Taking the two other parchments even as he finished reading the first, the officer's head jerked up at Larengor's final few words, eyes wide and face red.

<<No, no, that's completely unnecessary, gae'tha,>> He hastened to assure the lean cleric. <<Your documents are completely in order and more than enough to grant you and your guests free access to the city. I will see that the lord commander and the governor both get their respective missives as well.>> Then, in a louder, more formal voice: << You may pass, Lord Larengor, and honored guests.>>

Larengor's smile grew warm as the Home Guard officer bowed deeply with respect, a bow quickly copied by the other gate guards.

<<My thanks, captain. May the Maker illuminate your day.>> Then he was leading the bemused Aquilans through the heavy gates and into the thronging crowds beyond.

Sons of Ironstorm - Book 1: Griffon's Riseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें