A King's Decision

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Ciradaan Aeinwaje, King of Aquila and Scion of Clan Eagle, looked up from the reports he was quickly perusing at the desk of the garrison commander when his son, Xanedra, Halen and KeLarion entered the lamp-lit room, led by his nephew. This evening the king was clad in a simple white shirt and green leather breeches with soft, knee-high green leather boots, choosing comfort over regalia, as he did much of the time. Even after many long cycles on the throne of Aquila, he still yearned for the simpler life he had led as a warrior and ranger before his Ascendance. Much like the life his eldest now lived.

A smile brightened the white haired elf's handsome features as he recognized his visitors.

<<Finally the wanderers return. Who would've thought sending you to Caeba would've resulted in such a journey about the Sovun'chul?>> Ciradaan stood and greeted each elf with a nod.

<<KeLarion, good to see you again. Xanedra, I'm glad to see your time at Sulin, in Colonel Norunar's care has in you relatively good health. Master cleric, greetings to you, of course. And good nephew, I'm happy you didn't get lost, looking for them.>> He left Ciramax for last.

<<My son.>> He greeted the wiry prince happily, stepping around the desk to embrace his eldest in a father's hug. <<It does my eyes good to have them fall on you once more after these two moondays away from Aquila.>>

<<As it does mine, father,>> Ciramax replied, a smile of his own on his face as he returned his father's embrace before leaning back. <<How's mother?>>

<<Well, ...>> Ciradaan's smile became wry as he let his son go to take a step back.

<<First Caeba, now Elvenfast; with Lusinor making rumblings here, in the Larsh, and Ursalon in the Tempest, she's not too happy about seeing both her eldest and her husband leaving the kingdom to go journeying. She had some choice words for the Var Ethisdil and their invitation.>> He stepped back behind the desk before easing into his seat with a thoughtful look, picking up the reports to shuffle them back into some semblance of order before rolling and returning them to a scout's leather courier tube.

<<Personally I think it's her anger that's keeping the council in line while I'm not there.>>

<<I can imagine,>> Ciramax chuckled quietly as the others smiled in the shared jest. The Queen of Aquila's temper was well known. Then the Aquilan prince grew serious.

<<And I can tell by the look on your face, father, that you're none too happy about it either.>>

<<The timing could've been better,>> Ciradaan admitted with a grimace, <<and the explanation a little less vague. An unfolding prophecy? An attempt to unite the elves against a great horror?>> He paused to indicate his son and the others take the simple wooden chairs scattered about the room and sit in them around the desk.

<<The Jakandi'ef Sylva'Aijur is about to explode and the Seer sees fit to leave Caeba, travel thousands of leagues to misty Elvenfast and, in the bosom of the Var Ethisdil, declare that a great prophecy, the Norak Utterance, is beginning to unfold with all its consequences. Hand in hand with this announcement comes an invitation to a virtually lost city to make peace with the very kings that want my head on a pike!>> The king's grimace deepened.

<<I can't say it's the best time to be leaving Aquila on such an embassy. As Lusinor probes at our northern borders and clan Puma sniffs around the Tempest, my operatives bring me word of alliances once again forming in the Sovun'chul and armies of our enemies preparing to make war upon us. And the griffon captain I sent to e'Sulin to find out about this human you found in the Tempest, returns with him sitting in the saddle behind her, with word of arrangements made with KeLarion's family to take care of him.>>

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