A Strange Report

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As Ciramax, Xanedra and the others resumed their journey to Aer e'Sulin, Ciramax's father was gazing thoughtfully at the soldier who had brought the message sent via messenger bird from Corrolan, Corrolan being one of the elves he had sent along with his son. According to the note, neatly scribed in tiny code onto the scrap of parchment, his son had intercepted a Lusinoran soldier that carried a missive from the Seer himself to him.

That missive then sent his son southwest into the Stone Forest where he encountered a knot of humans bearing a human child. They rescued the child and Ciramax commanded Corrolan to bring word to his father while they took the boy to Aer e'Sulin, well over half a continent away in the Tempest.

<<Half a world away to rescue a human boy,>> Ciradaan mused out loud, a frown on his handsome face as he tried to determine how a human child played into the monstrosity of his vision. He sent his son to find the Seer for an explanation, only to discover Caeba had suffered an attack from some sort of demonic force and the Seer gone.

The only thing left behind was a cryptic note commanding his son to go to the Stone Forest. Heeding the Seer's wishes, his son had traveled the long, difficult journey to the tumultuous area, arriving in time to rescue a human child. It was a feat accomplished only through some strange extension of providence, if he understood Corrolan's note correctly. What did it mean?

As the soldier stood attentively waiting, he slowly turned away to stare at the wall, his hand on the high-backed chair that stood at the head of the long table filled this, the main council chamber, deep in the heart of the king's palace in Aerlorn. All around the table were twelve equally ornate, hand-carved chairs of rare silver oak wood, the graceful grain hand-rubbed with beeswax until it fairly glowed in the low light cast by the single long taper that sat in a silver candlestick on the table near the two elves. It was the only light in the big chamber, but more than enough to cast a circle of warm illumination around the two as they conversed, making visible to the eye the table and its surrounding chairs, if not any other detail.

<<And now they carry the boy to Aer e'Sulin.>> Ciradaan's face tightened with both concern and thoughtfulness. 'Like an old word puzzle from the archives: meaning hidden within meaning.' He wasn't, however, willing to let this particular puzzle go unsolved. He turned to speak over his shoulder.

<<Have the aeries prepare a flight of griffons for a journey to Aer e'Sulin. And inform Captain Aenlinar I want her in the air in less than a turn of the big glass. Intelligence says the Tempest is about to burn. If our fortress comes under siege, I want my son back here as quickly as possible to take command of a relief force, or our efforts to defend our border with Lusinor. And Aenlinar is to determine whether this boy is worth any further effort and resource to keep alive. Is that clear, soldier?>>

<<Yes, your Majesty.>> The soldier replied smartly with a salute. Before he could turn and be on his way, Ciradaan motioned for him to hold.

<<One last thing; once you send Aenlinar on her way, have Master Zodin attend me here, in the council chamber. I'd like to know why Lusinor is involving itself in this. Now, on your way.>>

<<Sire.>> The soldier spun tightly on his heel and marched out, leaving a thoughtful Aquilan king gazing at his back. 'Yes, indeed, I'd like an answer to that.' Ciradaan silently mused, lifting a hand to tug at his lower lip. 'Exactly what are you on about, Fenoran? What are you holding in your hand?'

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