Chapter 18: Unexpected Condolences

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"Though they strove mightily, one against another.

They recognized each other's valor and courage.

So in respect to the martial skill and ability

They called their effort a draw, with no winner.

And Daesan and Isaul from that day were friends."

- from 'A Path to War and Glory', a history of the Cadremoor Alliance 

It took only a moment to reach the main tent, a sober piece of canvas erected on tall poles in the church's main courtyard, built to hold as many as possible in the event of bad weather. It was here that a comfortable chair was placed for Jeorgina to receive the assembled Lords and Ladies that had come to pay homage to the slain king of Talemon.

As the royals stepped into the tent, Shiana and Maria, who had been standing by the chair in the tent's center in the company of their nurse, Marilin, ran across the floor of the tent to fly into Festus and Dana's arms with loud cries of 'Grandma and Grandpa!'. With happy smiles, the king and queen of Keva bundled their grandchildren close and gave them squeezes of joy, taking a little happiness on this darkest of days.

Trailing after them with baby Michael wrapped in his blue blanket in her arms, Marilin smiled sadly at the joyous antics of her young charges. Creator knew they had little enough to be happy about these past few days, the loss of their brothers now exaggerated by the loss of their father. She was surprised they were able to put on a smile as it was. Thank goodness for the arrival of the Silvermane and his vivacious queen, to put a little joy back into their lives.

As she drew up beside Jeorgina, the lithe young queen leaned forward to peer in at her son, brushing his wispy hair back from his round face with the tips of her fingers as a fond smile pushed aside her melancholy and grief for a moment. But only a moment. The sound of a child softly sobbing captured her attention and looking over her shoulder, Jeorgina found Shiana holding tight to her grandmother. The little princess was crying quietly as a despondent Maria huddled forlornly in Festus' arms, looking quite lost and on the verge of tears herself. Instantly the darkness swept back in.

"What happened?" she softly asked and a sad-faced Dana replied just as softly.

"She just began crying, right after she told me she missed her papa and her brothers," the kevan queen reported.

Quickly Jeorgina left Marilin and baby Michael to cross over to where Dana cradled her crying daughter in her arms, to add her own comfort.

"Poor little sweetheart!" she crooned, rubbing Shiana's arm. With a wordless cry, Shiana held out her arms in an unmistakable gesture and Jeorgina swiftly pulled her close, rocking her back and forth as she stroked her daughter's soft hair, feeling the pain of loss swell back up even more strongly than before.

"Don't worry, my dear heart. We'll find your twin and bring him back to you. We'll find both your brothers, I promise. I promise!" she whispered the last into her daughter's ear, holding Shiana close against her own pain as it dully beat within her aching heart.

The tent then fell into silence as each of its adult occupants found themselves wrapped in thought and unable to speak, the only sound being Shiana's slowly diminishing sobs. It was into this silence that the colonel returned with a bow of apology to gently remind them of the waiting nobility just outside.

Festus indicated with a gruff nod that the colonel give them just a moment to compose themselves before letting their visitors in. Nodding his understanding, his face deeply apologetic, the colonel bowed once more before backing out.

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