Chapter 36: A Purpose Revealed

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"We gazed into the depths of the Abyss

And we saw the future with all it's pain

We saw death walk amongst mortals

Clothed in flesh and harvesting souls,

Rivers of blood, seas of shadow and darkness.

And we wept, because we were the cause of it all."

- from a scrap retrieved after Jair Kalial's fall

 It was a slender Sylvasin male, dressed in robes colored with soft earth hues; browns and creams, mostly, with a hint of dark red and green adding their flash. He was walking across the council pit floor with confident strides, eyes wide as they took in the sight of the rapidly filling gallery. His eyes were wide, but not surprised; intelligence sparkled there, a keen mind behind his eyes that examined and observed instead of wondered and guessed.

The rest of the gallery caught sight of the newcomer shortly after Ciramax had, the rumble of conversation swiftly dying to a soft murmur as he came to a halt a few paces away from the polished wooden rail that ran all the way around the council pit. The rail, when combined with the sunken floor, effectively divided the pit from the first row of benches in the gallery.

<<Good lords and ladies, if I may have your attention for a moment, please,>> he began in a smooth, cultured voice, pitched to easily reach every ear in the vast room. The murmur instantly died, leaving absolute silence in its wake.

<<Thank you.>> He inclined his head slightly before continuing. <<We all know the reason for your presence here, so I won't bore you with further explanation and description. I will, however, point out a number of things you'll need to know before the council meeting can start. First of all, the Var Ethisdil and its ruling council, the Voice, are religious organizations. As such, they require a certain level of decorum and good manners when they gather. They also have a great deal of tradition and ceremony attached to each and every event they participate in. In consideration of your lack of experience and knowledge of these protocols, much of the ceremony surrounding the meeting of the council today has been dispensed with.>>

<<However, we do ask that you remain respectful throughout, talking quietly if you absolutely must, and please pay strict heed to the cha'sect, the master of protocol. Those who are called upon to address the council, will rise in place and will quickly and efficiently impart what information you're asked to give, without embellishment or addition.>>

The slender elf paused to smile.

<<If you can observe these simple rules, my friends, then this meeting will transpire without incident. Thank you for your attention.>>

Finished, the elf once more inclined his head then turned and quickly walked towards a small door set into the back wall of the chamber where none of them had noticed it. Reaching it, he pulled the small portal open and stepped through to disappear beyond, the door closing silently behind him.

The gallery weren't alone long enough, however, for new conversations to start up. In the very echo of the door closing, the elevated left hand door on the side wall opened and two elves dressed in dark blue tunics and hose stepped out, cradling what appeared to be a rug of some sort between them. They quickly made their way down the flight of stairs and around the left corner of the massive council table, to step into the open area between the table and the gallery. There they stopped almost within the table's curve where they then carefully set down their burden and began to unroll it.

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