Chapter Two

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Katherine Gonzales


Katherine Gonzales grew up not experiencing any concern or affection from his father. Cassandra, their mother, died after giving birth to a baby girl.

His father wanted another boy. Her birth had given his father so much pain and disappointment. Thus, she had never experienced the fatherly love her two older brothers experienced from their father.

Since birth Yaya Letty had been her constant caregiver, friend, confidant and protector. She was loved by her brothers but she was parted from them when they had entered Filipinas Military Academy.

Her father never allowed any man to court her. For a reason, she didn’t know. She had never complained. Anyway she hadn’t found a man who would capture her heart until she met Frederick Zuñiga that night. Derek was tall, fair, handsome and fearless. She also sensed his forthrightness and kindness. She also liked his intelligence and gentleness. When he put on the garter on her leg, he was gentle. During their dance, she never felt that the man was taking advantage of their physical closeness. His hands had been very gentle as he touched her waist and hand. She also liked the fact that the man exuded confidence and great love for his parents. She had read a few articles about him. He was a famous gambling tycoon as well as an expert gambler.

Giselle had talked to her after her dance with him. Giselle told her that his cousin never shown keen interest on any woman but her. All the women he dated just loved him for his looks and money. Just like he pointed out, Giselle also informed her that his previous relationships were all about sex and money. Giselle also imparted to her that Derek only trusted a few women because his father was betrayed by several women whom his father had extra-marital affairs with. The casinos his father had established had all been suddenly owned by his father’s business partners who planned on his parents’ death and even his. Giselle also told her that Derek had to train on gambling, martial arts and target shooting just to be able to uncover the evil doings of his father’s business partners. Giselle also made clear that her cousin was an honest businessman. Derek might be a gambler who knew all of the dirty tricks and cheats but he had won fair and square in every game he played. Giselle also pointed out that Derek performed his business lawfully and honestly.

She knew Giselle was not a liar. Derek also told her the same things as Giselle told her.

But what shocked her the most with that night was the wager their father had made so as to stop Derek from courting her.

On their way home from the wedding reception aboard the family’s SUV, she and Carlos were at the back seat while their father was on the front seat beside the driver.

Their father said, “You seem to have a very persistent admirer, Katherine.”

It was the one of the rare times, their father talked to her directly. He had always been an absentee father.

Their father continued, “Giselle’s cousin asked for my permission to court you. I said no but he insisted that he had this genuine interest in you. So I asked him to gamble one billion pesos so that I can allow him to have your hand in marriage. You know what? He agreed. He never even backed down. He has to play a poker game with me. If he lost he’ll give me the money and drop any idea on having you. If he won then you have to marry that man, Katherine.”

For the first time in her life, she had talked back to their father, “I am not an object to be bet upon, Daddy. I don’t know your reason for doing this. You didn’t even pay any attention on me before. I don’t know your reason for not allowing any suitor to court me. I don’t know why you even want to keep me when you definitely hated my presence.”

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