Chapter Six

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The Engagement


Giselle was still at the mansion when Derek arrived for lunch with his lawyers, accountants and publicist.

Katherine had finished encoding and printing her resignation at the desktop PC set in the library. Also, Giselle along with Myrla helped Katherine in organizing her things in the walk-in closet. They were just about to finish up everything at the closet when Derek came into the master’s bedroom. 

Derek gave Giselle a brotherly hug and a peck on her right cheek while he gave Katherine an affectionate hug and a kiss on her nose. 

Derek voiced out, “I’m glad you’re here, Gi. I was worried Katherine might get bored here. Let’s all have lunch first. Afterwards, please accompany Katherine on shopping. I want her side of the closet to be filled with clothes, shoes, bags and everything.” 

Giselle seemed very excited about the request, “Sure, cous!”

Derek noticed that Katherine wasn’t very excited. He held her arms and looked directly on her eyes, “Katherine, you’re now my fiancée and in eight months you’ll be my wife. I wish to be married to you in January next year. We need to attend social functions, parties, dinners and the likes. Giselle will help you out. She knows what to buy.” He gently explained to her then he told his cousin, “Giselle, feel free to buy anything you want also.” He got his wallet from his pocket and pulled two cards, a debit card and a credit card then handed them to Katherine. He also whispered the code of his cards to her ears for others not to hear.

Giselle teased them, “Derek, I’m here! Don’t display much of your affection. I’ll miss my husband more.” 

Derek freed Katherine from his embrace but he held her left hand with his right hand. “Let’s go down now. Lunch is ready.” 

They all went to the dining hall. Derek introduced Katherine to everyone. He spoke up, “Ladies and gentleman, I want you all to meet my very lovely fiancée, Katherine Gonzales and my equally lovely cousin, Giselle Cruz-Gonzales.” 

The rest offered their hands for handshakes. One by one, the men and women were introduced by Derek to Katherine and Giselle. 

He had three lawyers, Atty. Reynold Jacinto, Atty. Alfred Ortigas and Atty. Minette Villaluz. He had had three accountants as well, Mr. Calvin Gomez, Mr. Dominic Santos and Mrs. Lorna Santos. His publicist was Mr. Raymond Jimenez. Raoul and Gelli were likewise present. They all sat down for lunch after the pleasantries.

Derek sat on the main seat. Katherine was seated to his right side while Giselle was seated on his left side. 

Derek spoke to his fiancée with a very caring voice, “My dearest Katherine, Raymond will be releasing my official statement regarding our engagement this afternoon. What do you think of January 8, 2012 as our wedding date? It will be a Sunday.” 

Katherine smiled and replied, “It is fine by me, Derek.” 

Giselle voice out, “Guess, we have a wedding planning to do again, Kat.” 

Derek smiled, “Yes, Giselle. I want you to help Katherine. Hire a coordinator. Gelli, search for the best wedding coordinator.” 

The publicist spoke up, “I think we also need an official photo of the two of you to go with your official statement. I will ask my photographer to come over.”

Derek looked at Katherine first for her approval. When Katherine nodded, he said, “Do so, Raymond. But I just preferred it to be a casual one.” 

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