Chapter Fifteen

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The Light After The Storm

It took a SWAT team along with Tito Ronaldo and Enrico to save Tita Geena, Giselle and Baby Roric. The hired gunmen of the five fugitives surrendered. As for the five fugitives they had all been wounded. All of them were still alive but they were being strictly monitored while they recuperated from their injuries. No visitors were allowed to see them. 

Her father had also been brought out of the hospital. He was staying at the mansion for a while. Giselle and Baby Roric were likewise discharged from the hospital. For the meantime, they were also staying at the mansion. 

They were all happy knowing about Katherine's pregnancy. 

One Sunday morning, they were all gathered by the swimming pool. 

Giselle had asked Katherine, "So how's your pregnancy, Kat? 

"I just had my first prenatal check up yesterday with my obstetrician-gynecologist.  It's almost four weeks already. I was prescribed with prenatal vitamins. My pregnancy is just fine," she told Giselle. 

Tito Ronaldo teased Derek, "Seems like you had hit a bull's eye again, Derek. Katherine is already pregnant with your baby. In a few more months we'll have Baby Z." 

Derek smiled, "Yeah, Tito. But what's important is that Katherine and our baby are safe." He even kissed Katherine's right cheeks and gently patted her tummy. Katherine was seated on his left side. "I owe their safety to Daddy Enrique. Dad, thanks for saving my wife and my unborn child." 

Her father replied humbly, "A father should do what he had to do. I really haven't done much, Derek. My daughter is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. You should see how she had unarmed to man who would inject something on her. She also had kicked him down to the floor. She had also avoided the bullet. She was also able to shot our chasers perfectly on their legs thus immobilizing them." 

Everyone looked at Katherine. It was the first time they actually heard what had transpired during the siege at the hospital. 

Derek took pride of saying, "Well, what shall we expect from a general's daughter? She had a very tough father. Like father like daughter!" 

Tita Geena imparted, "But for awhile we really thought that they also had you, Katherine. Giselle and I were really very worried." 

Tito Ronaldo revealed, "You should see how Derek had worried about you when the leader of those fugitives told us they had you. He wanted to come inside." 

Derek bantered, "Same with you Tito Ronaldo as well as with you Enrico. A husband should do what he must for his wife." 

Carlos then said, "But they are still alive. We should always be vigilant. It's a good thing that their plans failed." 

Daddy Enrique declared, "They would always fail. Evil doings never triumph over the good ones. Derek did nothing wrong to them. He had just been an instrument to bring justice to those people they had victimized." 

Enrico stated, "Well, we want Baby Roric to be baptized next Sunday. Derek, I want you to be one of his godfathers." 

Derek accepted it, "Sure, Enrico. It is an honor." 

Katherine then told Giselle, "Guess we have another event to plan, Gi!" 

Giselle agreed, "Yeah, Kat. I'm just happy we're all safe now." Baby Roric then suddenly woke up and cried. "I think he poops. Come Kat. You should train as early as now." 

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