Chapter Five

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Derek's Difficult Past

As expected, the media had some shots of their romantic dinner by the yacht. There were photos of them walking holding hands on a red carpet by the lotus candles, of them supping, of them dancing, of Derek kissing her head, of Derek kissing her nose, of Derek kneeling and proposing, and of them walking holding hands toward his car. There were even shots of her big diamond engagement ring. 

Katherine woke up late that morning. She didn't know what time she was able to sleep. She was already sitting by the bed and doing some stretching when Nanay Lucia knocked by the door then came in with Ada holding a tray of breakfast. 

The majordoma greeted her, "Good morning, hija. Did you sleep well?" 

She replied, "Good morning, Nanay. Good morning, Ada. I woke up late. I didn't know what time I was able to sleep anymore. You didn't have to bring me breakfast in bed, Nanay." Ada had put the breakfast tray at the center table of the sitting area and went out. 

Nanay Lucia told her, "It is okay, hija. You can sleep for as long as you want. Derek personally instructed all of us to make you feel comfortable around here. We were also told that your Yaya might come to join us here. Ma'am Giselle also called. She'll come at around ten AM with your bags. I already asked Max to fetch her because her car was still being repaired." 

"Thanks, Nanay. Please sit down by the bed." The old woman did. Katherine informed the head of the household employees, "Yaya would not be able to join us here anymore, Nanay. I was told that she wasn't permitted. I will definitely miss her but I'm sure all of you will take good care of me. I'm still very awkward here. I wish to learn everything I need to know about the house, Nanay. But rest assured that I won't impose myself on the existing house rules anymore." 

The majordoma replied respectfully, "You have all the right to impose on us, hija. We are really all glad that finally we get to serve the future mistress of the house." 

Katherine was a bit confused, "How about Derek's Mom, Nanay? Weren't you able to serve her?" 

Nanay Lucia narrated, "This house was bought by Derek's parents for his twenty-fifth birthday. The family wasn't able to move in here anymore because they died on a car accident. They travelled a lot. They lived before on a house where the beach hotel now is positioned. After their death, Derek moved in here. I, along with other employees, moved in with him. He wasn't staying very much here. For a year, he had been busy training being an expert gambler because he felt that was the only way he could uncover the truth behind his parents' death. Federico's business partners did silly things for them to have the ownership of the casinos. Derek didn't want managing the casinos anyway but when Ambrosio told him that the partners were behind his parents' death and that they were doing illegal things then he decided to act. He had also been receiving death threats. There had been unsuccessful attempts on his life. Ambrosio stayed by his side and we all trained to have him protected. Derek also trained on martial arts and target shooting. All of us here in the house know how to use a gun and we all know the basics of martial arts as well. For three years, Derek had gambled against his father's business partner fair and square until they all went bankrupt. As they all tried to kill Derek, their actions had been closely monitored by the authorities. His assassins had all been caught and the masterminds had all been discovered. After that, Derek had focused on establishing Zuñiga Resort and Casino in the four pieces of land that his father had acquired in the past. He didn't have any business partner only employees. He was able to expand his business capital from all the winnings he had from gambling. He had learned a lot from his father's mistake. He had become less trusting especially on women. Women had been used against his father. It was his father's dream to build world-class resort and casino and so he is realizing that dream for his father. He had dated a lot of women in the past. But nothing was serious. We were all glad that he met you. It was the first time he had actually been serious about a woman. He cared for you a lot. He knew about your father's indifference toward you. Ambrosio and I knew about the bet, hija. You got nothing to worry. We know Derek's feelings for you. He had really trained very hard in order to win so as he can take good care of you." 

A General's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora